what did I break?...lol
well I got my 2222 circuit running properly thanks to PJ Allen!! Then I used that to get my 5v relay running [noparse]:)[/noparse] I did some experimenting with getting 2 wires from a electric piano to short together, meaning I disassembled a keyboard and solderd some wires so when I tap them together I hear the sound of that key being pushed, Remember I am talking about a piano type of keyboard! so I tried using the transistor to short those two wires together. I took the ground of the keyboard wire to the ground on the 2222 and the other wire went to the other side of the 2222. I left the base alone. I turned it on and heard one ding of the keyboard then nothing, the program was set to run it from 1 second on 3 seconds off...That worked with the led lighting up so the program was good. Yes the base was plugged into a resistor and into the I/o pin. Did I mention the power wont turn on now and the battery got warm? it was a 9v battery and I didn't have the jumper on the pins that are for determing the power. I mean the 3 pins that are either vdd or vin (something like that) so anyway what did I break, how can I trouble shoot and fix it? It wont turn on now with a new battery in..atleast the green led wont come on...I hope I remember everything correctly becuase I did some experimenting and I could have done something and not remember it but the symptoms are the same.
sorry to be a hassle!
Actually I think Im going to add the whiskers to my tank and let it roam, just need to figure out where.
sorry to be a hassle!
Actually I think Im going to add the whiskers to my tank and let it roam, just need to figure out where.
This is what is called "smoke testing" where you just hook something up, not necessarily knowing what you're doing, hoping that it will work. Usually, if you're not experienced, you end up destroying perfectly good equipment. Sometimes, even if you are experienced, you can destroy perfectly good equipment. It gets to be expensive though.
Actually I think Im going to add the whiskers to my tank and let it roam, just need to figure out where.