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template for driver — Parallax Forums

template for driver

nicolad76nicolad76 Posts: 164
edited 2008-04-01 10:16 in Propeller 1
Hi all....this is the "idea of 6 PM" after an heavy day.

I will start writing my first driver ever for a e-ink monitor from PVI (does anybody have one ready roll.gif )...I am trying to build a little background before killing the display and I thought...driver is about timing, pins assignement and basic functions (init, write, read...send command..send data) etc etc...
Is possible there is no tool to quickly develop drivers? Does any "template" exists?
I assume I am too tired if I am thinking of that...

What is your idea?

·-- Nicola --


  • stevenmess2004stevenmess2004 Posts: 1,102
    edited 2008-04-01 10:16
    If you want to do something like this I would suggest that you get the Hydra book. It has a lot of useful info in it. I don't think that there are really any templates that exist because every driver will be different. I'm not sure what kind of a signal the display expects so there may be something that will work.

    If you do have to write a drive start with a good flow-chart or pseudo code. After you have done this and have a good algorithm you can think about writing some code either in spin or assembler.
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