Oil temperature
Hi there i hope some of you kind people can point me in the right direction!
I have a stamp unit and at the moment it is just gathering dust!
Therfore i was hoping to put the unit to good use and create a temperature probe to detect the temp of the oil in my VW beetle and have it light a light when it reached a temp of 120 degree celcius or there about!
Anyone know if this is possible and could they point me in a direction of a high temperature probe/thermister capable of temps upto about a max of 200 degrees?
I have a stamp unit and at the moment it is just gathering dust!
Therfore i was hoping to put the unit to good use and create a temperature probe to detect the temp of the oil in my VW beetle and have it light a light when it reached a temp of 120 degree celcius or there about!
Anyone know if this is possible and could they point me in a direction of a high temperature probe/thermister capable of temps upto about a max of 200 degrees?
- Stephen
maybe placing a thermistor or other into a hollow tube and sealing the ends. but am unsure if the oil will be too hot for the thermistor?
any sugestions?
Can the stamp deal with such high temps? (not that it will get hot - but deal with the calculations?)
thanks in advance,
BTW, I bought two iron/constantan thermocouples a while ago to install as cylinder head temp gauges, but haven't put in yet. One day, before I die... Thermocouples have their own peculiarities and must be installed properly to give useable results. And they are not accurate enough for oil temp measurement.
·"If you build it, they will come."
- Stephen
Franklin you have hit the nail on the head! i will look to see if they deliver to the UK or have a distributer over here!
erco - sorry i forgot you guys deal in farenheit - i was talking celsius - and if the oilt got to the 200 degree mark i am sure my engine would be more than fried! Im sure 120 would be the top end of the needed range which would be about the 240 farenheit you suggested!
The reason i wanted to use the stamp is i want it to light different colour at different temps (dont like guages - want minamalistic) and i also want to try and control a few other things should there be program space left!
thanks again!
That sounds cool! An RGB led that would be blue when the engine is cold to red if your overheating!
Shawn Lowe
Maybe I should have waited to do that......
cant remember exactly what stamp unit i have - think a BS2 (got a whats a microcontroler kit with a servo and other bits)
theres got to be a reasonably simple code to figure this out!
·"If you build it, they will come."