Infrared Remote controll Help
·· I read about the remote with the boe-bot, I have another Board of education, I was thing If the boe-bot can be controlled by another BOE. I need the remote code from the Soney Remote, is there anyway I can find out?? I would be cool to have the boe-bot be controlled by another BOE, I have the buttons so its like the remote.
The BS2 uses harmonics to make the necessary 38.5 kHz carrier frequency to drive an IR LED using its freqout command, like FREQOUT 14,1,38500. But that 1 means send it for 1 millisecond, AFAIK that's the shortest tone burst it can send. The Sony codes are essentially morse code bursts of duration 0.6 and 1.2 milliseconds, so it may be that the Stamp's resolution isn't fine enough.
·"If you build it, they will come."
opens up all new possibilities for setting new timing standards,
particular to the BoeBot. This timing envelop can be longer than
than a one millisecond packet. The IR receiver code can be
written to listen for this timing signal. This will open up some
new issues of concern such as range, direction, and power of
the transmitted IR signal.
1) Forget the Sony codes, their use is predicated on the specific desire to use an existing remote control and decode them. You can make up your own code system of pulses and use that. For instance, you'll still use the FREQOUT 14,1,38500 command, or something similar to send a 1 millisecond pulse, then pause 1 ms. Loop that N times to send a certain control signal. Receive the pulses with a Waitrony IR module and simply COUNT them to decode. That is, 5 pulses means go forward, 7 means left, 9 means right, etc.
2) If you're married to the Sony codes, hack into a universal remote and have your BoE outputs switch several remote keys. But watch out, or BoE will gain control of your cable box and order PPV movies while you're away.
·"If you build it, they will come."
and the actual extracted board size is relatively small
to fit on a Boe-Bot. It can be tapped into the existing
Boe-Bot batteries, and a Basic Stamp 2 port matrix
can control the remote board switching. Then, you
don't need to worry about any timing or code, other
than some simple switching. The controller hack is also
a viable solution for other robots as well, such as
Penguin and Toddler.
Even more interesting to me is making an IR data link using the SEROUT command to send continuously through an LM555.·I bet·someone here could·quote·the fastest data rate·that could reliably be·sent over that 38 kHz IR carrier, maybe 600 or 1200 baud?
·"If you build it, they will come."
I wrote a snippet of code that sends a single Sony control code successfully; code attached for a BS2. Timing is critical, I think you'll have to·program each code signal as a·group of PULSOUTs to keep up.·My code is sent out through pin 15 to drive the 555 circuit. I needed a slight delay (~600 mS) between my PULSOUT 15s, so I inserted·several PULSOUT 14s that don't do anything but slow things down a bit.·The last part of the program was an experiment just to send a steady stream of pulses from the 555 circuit.· Looks like the upper frequency limit is about 2 kHz, and that's in a·very short loop.
That's plenty for now. I'll post any serial data results·I get here later.
·"If you build it, they will come."