Serial Cable? Really?
I bought the Super-Beginner's "What is a Microcontroller?" package from Radio Shack yesterday, and was surprised to see it came with a serial cable.
I have a 2006 iMac, and a 1995 Toshiba laptop. One of these machines has a serial port. The machine that has a serial port also has a USB port. It also runs linux (obviously any remotely version of windows is out on a 500Mhz machine), which makes getting the Stamp to work kind of a pain, especially for a newbie like me.
I'm not saying that most customers have the sort of setup I do, I'm aware that I'm in the tiny minority, but I have to wonder, given that even modern PCs are shipping sans-usb, what could be the use of including a serial -> serial cable, instead of a serial -> usb cable when Parallax sells a converter already? I think Parallax does good stuff (from what I can tell), and I'm not irritated enough yet to suspect that they are forcing a substantial amount of their customer base to go buy a converter, but, really, from what I've seen on the forums, it seems a lot of people have to get the converter.
People who work with this tend to be people who have new computers, I would speculate, and from a cost perspective, serial cables are more expensive to produce (and buy) than usb. I'm not rich, and so forking over an additional $15-$30 (plus shipping and the wait [noparse];)[/noparse]) isn't too appealing to me either.
If it's a technical reason, which I could understand, how do the usb->serial converters work?
So long story short, I have to get the converter to use the Stamp with my mac (and the unsupported mac Stamp software, or a virtual machine of windows), or get the serial connection on linux to work with the knowledge of someone who had to buy the "What is a microcontroller?" book.
Sorry for the rant, but I really am curious. I'll post the technical question about getting it to work on linux in another thread.
I have a 2006 iMac, and a 1995 Toshiba laptop. One of these machines has a serial port. The machine that has a serial port also has a USB port. It also runs linux (obviously any remotely version of windows is out on a 500Mhz machine), which makes getting the Stamp to work kind of a pain, especially for a newbie like me.
I'm not saying that most customers have the sort of setup I do, I'm aware that I'm in the tiny minority, but I have to wonder, given that even modern PCs are shipping sans-usb, what could be the use of including a serial -> serial cable, instead of a serial -> usb cable when Parallax sells a converter already? I think Parallax does good stuff (from what I can tell), and I'm not irritated enough yet to suspect that they are forcing a substantial amount of their customer base to go buy a converter, but, really, from what I've seen on the forums, it seems a lot of people have to get the converter.
People who work with this tend to be people who have new computers, I would speculate, and from a cost perspective, serial cables are more expensive to produce (and buy) than usb. I'm not rich, and so forking over an additional $15-$30 (plus shipping and the wait [noparse];)[/noparse]) isn't too appealing to me either.
If it's a technical reason, which I could understand, how do the usb->serial converters work?
So long story short, I have to get the converter to use the Stamp with my mac (and the unsupported mac Stamp software, or a virtual machine of windows), or get the serial connection on linux to work with the knowledge of someone who had to buy the "What is a microcontroller?" book.

Sorry for the rant, but I really am curious. I'll post the technical question about getting it to work on linux in another thread.
If you want to buy one locally, the Keyspan USB to serial adapters works well with PC's, Macs and the Basic Stamp
Note some of the USB to serial adapters on the market don't handle the handshaking signals properly, so they can't be used to program a Basic Stamp. Belkin is one of the problem brands.
Thanks for the tip on the keyspan. For $40, though, it's a bit steep to get something I already have to work. Also a good tip on the handshaking, I won't buy one without some research.
The serial programming port and the serial to serial cable is the single solution that works for all cases (as long as you have a compatible USB to serial adapter). There are still a lot of PCs out there with serial ports although you are unlikely now to find a PC without a USB port as well. Parallax does sell the same board with a built-in USB to serial adapter and they include a USB to serial adapter now in their Discovery Kit which is the basis for the kit sold by RadioShack. I suspect that RadioShack will eventually carry the newer kit that includes the adapter.
You could always return the RadioShack kit (if it's in returnable condition) and buy the Discovery Kit from Parallax or the combination of the USB Board of Education, Stamp, and What's a Microcontroller Text and Parts Kit.
Thanks a lot for the assist. I'll keep this posted, for posterity.
Post Edited (Forrest) : 3/29/2008 9:03:00 PM GMT
My advice: Keep the Homework Board, buy a USB/Serial adapter, and have a blast.
Post Edited (sylvie369) : 3/29/2008 9:25:14 PM GMT
Thanks again - I'll keep posted.
You may feel underwhelmed with the serial port, but let's keep things in perspective. The Basic Stamp 2 has 32 bytes of RAM, 2048 bytes of program space, executes about 4000 instructions per second and it's programmed at 9600 baud. You don't need too much of a computer to program it!
There's a good chance that you'll run across some other device in the future that has a serial port - might as well buy a USB to Serial adapter now.
then you did NOT get the bottom end model (BS1), You got the Homework board that has a built-in BS2, which is the most popular Basic Stamp.
By comparison, the BS1 has half the RAM (16 bytes), 1/8 the program space (256 bytes) and runs 1/2 the speed (2000 instructions per second) than the BS2.
I run a MacBook and it works fine with the Radio Shack USB-Serial converter.
Search for the driver with Google it is called "osx-pl2303-0.3.1-10.4-universal.dmg" and it works great.
I also run a Ubuntu 64 bit laptop and even though I didn't try very hard to get it running on it I'm sure it will work if you find a compatible adaptor. The Radio Shack one doesn't seem to be the way to go for a Linux box.
By the way - Serial port is still the norm for this type of work.
I might just bite the bullet and go get the one from Radio Shack. What's $30, anyway? Thanks for the tip on the driver. Have to be honest, I'd much rather do the coding on my iMac.
Also thanks to Forrest for pointing out which chip I have. Puts it in perspective. Lots to learn...
As far as cost of adapters and such, This tends to be a very expensive hobbie. I'd plan on adding "bot parts" as a line item in your budget.
"A complex design is the sign of an inferior designer." - Jamie Hyneman, Myth Buster
The Linux command line tools seem to be a bit too archaic to use for me to develop something on it.
Have fun!
I haven't tried out the MacBS2, though I saw it on Make, and it did look good. I was very close on the linux tools, but without diagnostics, I had no idea what was happening. I went to Radio Shack, and asked if they had Serial to USB adapters, to which the guy replied "our usb cables are over here", and showed me to the printer cables. Suffice to say, they didn't have the adapter, which is a shame.
Poor Radio Shack. So much for specialty stores!
I'm aware this is taking it to the extreme, but USB itself might be on the way out in a few years. Even now, specialty laptops that have serial ports are being produced to communicate with legacy PBXs and routers and such things. I realize that the "Board of Education" not having a USB connection is not the end of the world, and since there's nothing I can do about it, I've gotten into the sort of shrugging of shoulder acceptance that comes with hardware hacking.
What a great community. You'll all be interested to know, or not, that I've simply borrowed a windows computer from a few years ago, and am working my way through the book. The book itself is well-written and clear, but strangely it assumes a lot of knowledge about electronics from one moment, to nearly none the next. Still, it's very fun, and I appreciate the help here.
And yes, the serial port protocol IS quite simple and straight-forward, so especially for low-end applications the BS2 is good for, RS-232 Serial is a good choice.
And the main "problem" with USB is that it's a "master-slave" protocol -- you have a "master" device with a large hard disk for keeping drivers on, and a relatively simple "slave" device which tells the "master" what device it is so the "master" knows which driver to load.
This is great for PC's with large hard disks. This is not so great for a small real-time embedded devices. Some people ARE trying to make small embedded "USB Master" chips, but it's STILL overkill compared to a simple RS-232 link.
Bottom line -- I think RS-232 will continue to be supported as a very simple, but robust interface for sending small amounts of data. Probably through USB to serial adapters for 'large' devices like PC's. RS-232 has been around a LONG time already, and has a niche not easily filled by other standards.
I wanted to add a little food for thought to your earlier question. In addition to the "Keep it simple" reason others have mentioned, I would add this.· You have been evaluating the question of USB Vs. Serial purely from an individual stand point.· Many plant and production facilities, use BS2 (or similar) devices to operate and control logic functions of equipment.· Of the literal hundreds of these I have encountered not a single one uses USB.· The PLC (program logic controller) world is ALL serial. And remember, these are the guys that buy these things by the hundreds, not one or two here and there for various projects like us. So it doesn't suprise me that the standard is based off of their needs, and not ours. [noparse]:)[/noparse]
I think it's a sales and marketing issue more than a technical one. I imagine that no one is seriously looking at the BoE or Homework to use in their machining facility (I could be wrong, if I am, please let me know!). I for one would gladly pay the extra $15 for the usb connection over the serial if it requires one less adapter. I don't think it's a cost issue, because they could not include a usb cable on the assumption that everyone has one, and save themselves the surprisingly high cost of the bundled serial cable.
The argument for having an always-handy extra adapter around makes sense for some, and not for others, I'm not debating that. For those for whom this is a big (expensive! [noparse];)[/noparse]) hobby, the adapter has probably saved their bacon a few times over. But, not to beat a dead horse, I can imagine a few scenarios where someone might be peeved to find out out that their new Radio Shack kit won't work with their computer, but not a single one where the new hobbyist comes home to find that, darn it, all of his or her computers have serial and parallel ports and now a usb->serial adapter is needed.
To be clear, I'm not blaming parallax or radio shack. At the top, I was frustrated after spending a day trying to figure out how to get it to work with my scenario. I'm better now.