DTMF tones for an Amateur Radio repeater controller
I am making a repeater controller for an Amateur Radio repeater. The program is working well - it has a pause at the end of a transmission and a Morse code ID comes on after the repeater has been in use. A Zarlink MT8880 DTMF decoder is used to provide additional controls through DTMF tones. For example, one tone (an "A" on a DTMF pad) causes the circuit to read the battery voltage and send it back via Morse code. Other single digit tones will be used to read out temperature, turn the transmitter on and off, and turn on or off an additional relay. Instead of using one tone to give access to these functions, however, I would like to use three tones that must be provided in the correct sequence so that someone doesn't accidently get a result that is different than intended. Unfortunately, I don't know how to do this and after spending a lot of time trying I still don't see an easy way. I would certainly appreciate any suggestions that would be helpful to overcome this problem. I have attached the relevant section of the complete program. It is adapted from the Parallax AppKit "Using the CM8880 DTMF Transceiver, and the place where I am having trouble is right near the end where it says IF dtmf = %1101 THEN GOSUB Voltmeter, etc. Just one tone is required and I would like to require three in the correct sequence.
Thank you,
Thank you,
IF (DTMF1=%0101) AND (DTMF2=%0100) AND (DTMF3=%1010) THEN Voltmeter
Post Edit --·Use that ESt pin!
Post Edited (PJ Allen) : 3/29/2008 5:30:31 AM GMT
Is this the code that you are trying to use
Please Post a Link where you get Demo Codes From
Thank You
··Thanks for any·
Next I assume that the first part of your code suggestion would cause the program to loop until the ESt pin goes high. It seems to me that some code (like that I am already using) would then be required to get the tone decoded and placed into the variable DTMF1. Where you have written in brackets [noparse][[/noparse]Check ESt pin for no activity], would something like DO...LOOP UNTIL ESt = 0 followed by GOTO Get_DTMF2 work?
I have been working through this part of the program for the past 2 days and I did get it to respond to two tones in succession, but there seem to be some problems with my method and I am not very happy with it. I think the complete program is very near to completion, however, with this problem being the main difficulty remaining. Once the complete program is finished it could be quite a useful one.
I didn't included what to do if it's the wrong series of numbers, or a time-out, anything like that.· How does the following snippet work out for you?
Here is a link: http://www.amazon.com/STAMP-2-Communications-Control-Projects/dp/0071411976/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1207074193&sr=1-2
Hope this helps,
Post Edited (DosManDan) : 4/1/2008 6:24:52 PM GMT
Thank you for the suggestion. I will try to get a copy of the book for future reference. At the moment I think I am almost done with my repeater controller - it already IDs and sends back battery voltage in Morse code and once I get the DTMF control issue all sorted out then it should be easy to add remote on/off and a standing wave ratio measurement. I think I now have a pretty good idea of how to work the DTMF selection process so I have hopes of finishing soon!
The Mailbox project is basically voicemail for your radio. I just looked at the parts list and it looks like readily available parts. The voice is from an ISD2590 chip. I think those are being phased out, but you can still buy them for about $7.
I don't use Ham radios, but they look like nice projects, and they appear to be laid out pretty well. I've read some reviews of the book that were critical, but I've read through it and I didn't see any glaring problems. There are diagrams, parts lists, explainations.
At the very least, it might give you some ideas for future projects.