parallax motor controllers and lynx motion chassis?
I've been playing around with the boe-bot for quite some time now and have come to the point where I am constantly coming up with new ideas that I want to try but unfortunately there's just not much space to work with. This has been an excellent starting robot but I feel that I am ready to move on to something bigger now and below is my idea. I would like to purchase a chassis kit from and use two parallax HB-25 Motor Controllers to get it going with my current stamp 2 and board used in the boe-bot. This seems like the perfect starting point for moving up but I'm a little unsure and would hate to waste 300.00. Can somebody take a look a the two links below and tell me if I am correct? Much appreciated.
The Parallax HB-25 is way overkill for the two motors on the tri track kit.
A Sabertooth 2X5 is a better solution and costs less than the two HB-25s.
Just a thought.
If you are going to send·a Robot·to save the world, you·better make sure it likes it the way it is!