Networking Props
Posts: 1,283
Lately, I've been thinking about many different uses for multiple props in one application. I'm not sure how much conversation there has been about networking propellers together so they can talk. 8 cogs is great, but if you have MANY tasks going on at the same time, which require a cog each, why not use 6 cogs per propeller·to do those tasks, and then have 1 cog completely dedicated to recieving, and 1 cog dedicated to sending information. I can think of many applications where I think this would be beneficial, but the cost might offest the benefit. All this would be multiple propellers, btw.
On the subject of networking props, if this is possible, I'm sure there are some applications where you would have propellers running at the same time with the same program. I don't have that much experience with higher level stuff like this, but I've thought about possibly having a single EEPROM for propeller "clones" that would all be connected on the same dataline(pins 31/30). What I had in mind, was the having all the propellers initially off, then when power is applied, the first propeller turns on and downloads the program from the eeprom. Once the program is downloaded, one of the first instructions is to turn on·a transistor (or mosfet or whatever), which would supply power to the next propller. The next would boot up, and apply power to the next, and so on. Once all propellers are on, their programs begin running and "listening" on the data lines that the 2 cogs are devoted to.
Again, this is just an idea. There may be a much more cost effective way of doing all this, but I just love the huge processing power of the propeller and get excited thinking about multiplying that power even further.
Any input, good or bad, welcome.
On the subject of networking props, if this is possible, I'm sure there are some applications where you would have propellers running at the same time with the same program. I don't have that much experience with higher level stuff like this, but I've thought about possibly having a single EEPROM for propeller "clones" that would all be connected on the same dataline(pins 31/30). What I had in mind, was the having all the propellers initially off, then when power is applied, the first propeller turns on and downloads the program from the eeprom. Once the program is downloaded, one of the first instructions is to turn on·a transistor (or mosfet or whatever), which would supply power to the next propller. The next would boot up, and apply power to the next, and so on. Once all propellers are on, their programs begin running and "listening" on the data lines that the 2 cogs are devoted to.
Again, this is just an idea. There may be a much more cost effective way of doing all this, but I just love the huge processing power of the propeller and get excited thinking about multiplying that power even further.
Any input, good or bad, welcome.
(*) Well apart for actually "using it", where coding gets a bit tricky
The real problem you will have is the software to keep everything in sync.
I would have 1 master propeller that has all available I/O connected to other propellers. I figure the way I would send data would require only 2 I/O for each "slave" propeller connected to the master. I'm not computer science expert by any means, but I think this may be feasible. These 2 I/O lines between the master and slave would function like this:
I/O-A - This would be the "enable" line. Initially, both master and slave would have their pins set as inputs and would "listen" for a transition from low to high. When one cog needs to send some data to the other, the sender would set this line to an ouput and set it high. This would be the start of the data transmission. When this happens, the receiving propeller would hold it's I/O-A as an input until the sending propeller switched it's I/O-A back low(back to input).
I/O-B - When the transition happens on I/O-A, the receiving propeller would begin watching the on/off time on it's I/O-B. I've played around with the IR remote control stuff and it seems that's how it works in a way. Since a remote control only has one "data line", the IR LED, the reciever has to demodulate the signal by watching the times of on and off. The on time remains the same, but the bit received depends on how long between on times. This is how I would send data. This way, I can have two way communication(not at the same time), and only use 2 I/O pins on each propeller. I'm sure this method is pretty slow, but remember, the other cogs are busy doing their own thing... all 49 of them!(7 cogs each propeller for whatever -A/D, processing, etc., and the remaining cog for data transfer * 7 cogs connected to one master propeller = 49 cogs)
Your idea sounds kind of like TWI (I2C).
Some things to consider.
1. Do you want all the props to be able to communicate to each other (peer network) or only to the master (master-slave network)
2. How many cogs do you want to dedicate to communication and what speed do you want?
3. Do you want point to point (more wires but faster) or a bus system (less wires but slower)
Have you seen this thread It shows some pretty cool stuff using a bunch of propellers.
Come to think of it, you could use the same principal for sdcard and other memory mapped peripheral access.
from the extra long Prop II discussion,, 6MB/Sec is about the fastest anybody has gotten hub memory access, so the link would have to be a bit above that so that link bandwidth isn't an issue. Latency may be, however.
There was a serial link that got really good speed just a couple of months ago, posted by Beau, or Paul Baker, but I can't seem to find it.
Just my ramblings.
Now this has a couple of problems (it will go on forever and it uses every output pin) but if we add another variable and used djnz than it would be possible to do about 20MB/s burst speed.
But what about a serial output? Well, the video units can be used to send out data. If we run them at 128MHz than we could get 128/8=about 16MB/s. You would need some code something like this
However, this has required an extra instruction so we will miss the hub access and your bandwidth will be half of before or about 10MB/s. Now, since you aren't using all the pins you can run this in two cogs and get twice the throughput
I have personally done two 8 bit outputs (to a dac) at about 2MHz giving about 4MB/s and that was pretty easy.
FullDuplexSerial is used for comm both ways, as operations are basically related to keypad inputs. Not the fastest comm between Props but works for this application.
Harley Shanko
This gets us back to 20MB/s from the hub. Now, I think it is safe to run the PLLs at 160MHz which means 20MB/s out of them.
One problem is that you can't generate a clock signal fast enough and how on earth are you going to recieve something that fast as the propeller can only record inputs at 80MHz even if you use 4 cogs.
I found the forum discusion that I was looking for about a serial link between props getting around 14Mbit/Sec
Supposedly this can be done at 29Mbit/sec with 4 wires. Obviously, the more lines you throw at it, the more bandwidth you can achieve, to a point. I would be curious of what someone actually has achived. Hopefully, it is possible to outrun hub bandwidth on a 10-bit or so bus.
The good thing about using more than 1 prop is that you get lots of pins, unless of course you use a bus that is really wide.
Anybody know where the PropGFX bus is specified or how much bandwidth they got out of it?
Take Care,
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Have you actually benchmarked it?
stevenmess2004, I see what you are saying about the 160MHz limitation, but the assumption is using serial on a single line. With parallel, transfer rates could be much faster.
Does anyone think it would be possible to use firewire100? The clock for this is around 98 or 99 MHz I think. If you used the mode where you just send or receive a certain amount of data every period than it may be possible. Possibly a form of DV? or is this just a dream