Interfacing the Propeller with the Z80 + My first cart design
··· In my system I am interested in interfacing the Prop with a ·Z80 for use as an audio controller. Using a cheap external audio controller will allow the Prop to focus on other more important things besides controlling audio. I like the Z80 for this job because the Z80 has been used over and over for over 25 years as an audio controller in home and arcade systems. It is a solid design and I want to use it in my own. The problem is, I am not sure how·to·interface it to the Prop. I·understand that the·Propeller doesnt need to·actually·understand the Z80 code,·but how·do·I get the·Z80 program data to the Z80.·I thought about using an·eZ80 microcontroller so I can have a serial interface·between the two, but I am unsure how to send the program data. Any information would be helpful because I will be using the same prinicples to transfer data to the second·Prop.·Would it be sending one byte·at a time? I learned alot about serial protocols from designing my cartridge with serial eeproms. Should I use the same protocol? Is there anything I should consider or·put into my design?
Anyway,·here is my cart design. It·can hold·a total of·4 Megabits, using·4· 1 megabit chips (I forgot to update the chip model names, it should be 24C1025, sorry). The·chip selection·uses the internal·2-to-4·decoder inside the actual eeprom.·Using a control byte (as described in the data-sheet) the·chip selection is confirmed and the memory·address is selected. Output is then sent to a dedicated serial channel. I thought about adding extra circuitry for a custom chip designed by the user. Something like a CPLDs, FPGAs·or an·SX programmed to do the job of a custom IC. I just want to get a basic design first. Here is a link to the·schematic image:
It is a large image so please be patient. Let me know of any errors (I am sure there are numerous).
Post Edited (nick112147) : 3/28/2008 1:20:53 AM GMT
Anyway,·here is my cart design. It·can hold·a total of·4 Megabits, using·4· 1 megabit chips (I forgot to update the chip model names, it should be 24C1025, sorry). The·chip selection·uses the internal·2-to-4·decoder inside the actual eeprom.·Using a control byte (as described in the data-sheet) the·chip selection is confirmed and the memory·address is selected. Output is then sent to a dedicated serial channel. I thought about adding extra circuitry for a custom chip designed by the user. Something like a CPLDs, FPGAs·or an·SX programmed to do the job of a custom IC. I just want to get a basic design first. Here is a link to the·schematic image:
It is a large image so please be patient. Let me know of any errors (I am sure there are numerous).
Post Edited (nick112147) : 3/28/2008 1:20:53 AM GMT
In the first instance, the Propeller would merely be telling the Z80 to jump to a memory area and produce sound from that data; in the second instance, parameters would have to be assimilated, compiled·and processed.· So a packet format would be useful.
Take a look at Andre' LaMothe's XGS Micro game system for sound synthesis in an actual context.· He has several books that can point you in the right direction.· Personally, I would use like two use a two Propeller system and have the sounds supported by an SDcard for a huge data bank. 32bits at 160MIPs is faster than the Z80 can ever get.
PLEASE CONSIDER the following:
Do you want a quickly operational black box solution or the knowledge included therein?······
Post Edited (Kramer) : 3/28/2008 6:21:27 PM GMT
One of the modes is very special...
When the Z80 receives an interrupt, it'll wait for the interrupting unti to leave a Byte of data on the Data-bus.
This Byte is combined with the 'interrupt register' and is used as a 16bit pointer.
(The I-register is used as the top 8bits of the address)
The 16bit value at the address is read and used as the destination of a CALL-type jump.
This means that you set aside a 256Byte segment of memory(pointed to by the I-register) and use the Byte from the interrupting device to decide which of up to 128 different routines is to be called.
Doing the interrupt should be easy enough by setting side a Propeller I/O-pin, and the Byte can be clocked out on a shift-register to save pins.
Another, simpler way could be to just use the shift-register and hook it up so that the Z80 can read it with an IN instruction.
(Read up on how Z80 does I/O first)
Of course, then you'd have to have the Z80 poll that shift-register periodically...
Of course, the easiest solution is to set aside another Propeller for the task instead of using a Z80...
Don't take me wrong, I LIKE the Z80, but I can't see the reason for mixing CPUs in your design.
And with the Z80 maxing out at 8MHz( if you get hold of the right chip) a Propeller will run circles around it.
The only real advantage the Z80 has is that it can easily run assembly-programs that are longer than a COG in a Propeller can.
(Not taking LMM into consideration. Then all bets are off)
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PLEASE CONSIDER the following:
Do you want a quickly operational black box solution or the knowledge included therein?······
Honestly, I think the Prop just isn't compatible with the Z80 enough for me to do this without a month of headaches. Andre' pointed out that programming an SX to act like a PSG is easy, yeilds exceptional results and has been done, plus it would be easier to interface with a Propeller.·I think that might be a good alternative.
One of the·main reasons I would use the Z80 is, to be perfectly honest, just to do it and learn·from the process of doing it. Using a huge capacity SD card with bulky wav format sounds isn't much of a challenge. Andre' uses this design as well, because his console is designed for beginners rather than an expert (I am not saying I am an expert). My aim is to give people, and myself, the same challange programmers and artists faced when·creating·the games for systems like the NES. To have to work with those kinds of constraints forces you to think about what you are doing.·Doing something and then actually finding a wall in your way, then finding a way to conquer or work around the wall, in my opinion, provides a greater learning experience. With·virtually·(a 1Gig SD card could never be filled unless it had thousands of HYDRA games) unlimited space, there is room for sloppy and bulky code, uncompressed audio and graphics, but to have to·optimize your code·AND graphics to fit inside of a few megabits is a·real challange.
Now that I understand a little bit more about using 2 processors, I can use this knowlege in future designs, or this one lol, if I·feel·brave enough. Another thing I could do is use a Z80 MCU and program some serial ports for interfacing with the·Prop and ROM, since I am using serial·ROM throughout my·design. Using the same method gadgetman described, I interrupt the Z80,·I send·a serial byte·over a serial channel, it combines it with the I-register and it then reads the data at that address. Do I atleast have the process of the Z80 down?
A simplified timeline:
Prop clocks the Byte onto the shift-register
Prop Sets the IRQ line of the Z80
Z80 finishes executing current instruction.
Z80 sets a pin to show it acknowledges the IRQ. This can be used to enable the output of the shift-register.
Z80 reads Byte. Probably does something with the Acknowledge pin, too...
Z80 places the I-register + Byte on the Adress bus, then reads in the Byte there.
Z80 Places I-register + (Byte+1) on Address, and reads that Byte, too.
Z80 PUSHes PC onto Stack. (for use with a later RETI )
Z80 copies the loaded Bytes onto PC, effectively jumping to that address.
(Not certain when that PUSH happens in the sequence. Check a deatasheet)
So the I-register points to a table filled with JMP addresses. There are no executable instrutions in that table.
The way this functions the Propeller doesn't need a full Databus. It just needs some way of presenting a single Byte TO the Z80's Databus at the right moment, and a serial-in-parallel-out type shift-register is just fine for that.
I'd REALLY love to see anyone actually using this feature of the Z80 as I've never seen it in use in a commercial product...
(Not saying that it hasn't been used, only that I don't know of anyone using it)
Another strength of the Z80 is the 'DMA' instructions in it(Block copy and·compare, reading and writing blocks of data to/from an I/O-address. ), and the 'shadow registers' and the EXX instructions. Makes for pretty darn fast interrupt routines if done correctly.
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After that it Pushes the PC(writes 2 Bytes) before it starts executing code at the new location.
And yes, the Z80 is going to need an EPROM or something of its own.
You could of course use the same shift-register as used during interrupt, and possibly another or a counter to 'download' a program by reading it from the SD-card(or whatever you have) and clocking it onto a RAM chip.
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If truth does not exist, the statement "truth does not exist" is a truth, thereby proving itself incorrect.
You're providing the lower half of a pointer into a table of jump adresses.
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If truth does not exist, the statement "truth does not exist" is a truth, thereby proving itself incorrect.