control via pc
I'm looking to control my boe-bot from my pc and have a few questions. I have been googling and browsing the forums to research what it will take to make this happen and I believe the following is the answer but I would like somebody to confirm before I go shelling out the cash.
- First, I will need the EmbeddedBlue Transceiver AppMod (eb500-SER) to plug into the robot.
- Second, I will need the eb600 RS232 interface adapter to plug into my computer.
- Finally, the two will communicate and I will be able send data to my robot via input from the stamp editor command line?
You will need some configuration statements on the Stamp end in any program you write. The EB500 documentation shows what's necessary. Also, there's really no Stamp Editor command line. What you're describing is the DEBUG window of the Editor. The result is the same. You won't be able to program the Stamp over the wireless link. The only Bluetooth device that can work that way is the Toothpick which Parallax is discontinuing (because of low sales volume ... it works fine). It's still available from the manufacturer.
If your computer already has Bluetooth support, you don't need a separate adapter. You could also use a USB based Bluetooth adapter as long as the software supports serial channels (like a Bluetooth modem).
I have just published an article that does exactly what you are trying to do.
The article has just come out in the march issue of Servo Magazine (
look for the writers' name John Blankenship & Samuel Mishal.
Also, as explained in the article, you can down load the programs etc. from
I am afraid I cannot give you the article's text since it is published in the magazine.
Also my book Robot Programmer's Bonanza has a chapter dedicated to doing exactly wat you
want to do (chap. 17). The book will be out soon May 24th.
The magazine is available in Borders and Barnes & Noble. Or you can order it from the web site.
They also have an electronic version.
The magazine article is your best bet for quick solution. The book is much more detailed.
Also I have posted a PDF in another thread of this forum, that explains how to set up the
BlueTooth comms between a PC and a BS2.
To do any real work you will need a programming
language for the PC and RobotBASIC is your best bet for that.
I hope this helps
Post Edited (SamMishal) : 3/31/2008 9:22:15 AM GMT
You can find the downloads of the manual and a description of how the system works at this link.
PM me if interested.
Post Edited (jbod) : 3/31/2008 1:32:25 PM GMT