Serin/Serout serial connection
I am in over my head.... I want to do serin and serout commands to communicate between BS2 controllers. The commands I am ok with. My concern is the connection between the two Stamps. Do I just connect two wires between two pins each of the two Stamps? Some information I have found on serial communications with BS2's talks about needing resistors when talking to a PC RS232 port. I just don't want to cook my BS2s. Do I just go direct between the RX & TX pins? Do I need any voltage control in between? Can I go direct pin-pin?
I appreciate any help.
Post Edited (Taisho) : 3/27/2008 12:12:22 PM GMT
I appreciate any help.
Post Edited (Taisho) : 3/27/2008 12:12:22 PM GMT
As Mike says (always!) the resistors are a good idea, for good practice. (two resistors, if you use separate I/O lines)
If you use separate power sources for the two stamps, you will want to run a wire from vss of one to vss of the other. Otherwise, initial conditions may be unpredictable (at least they were for me...)
Have fun,