I need to sense air with an Air Volume Flow Sensor and a Basic Stamp?
Hi :
Do you know about an Air Volume Flow Sensor ?
I need to measure air volume with a flow sensor
and a Basic Stamp.
Do you know where can I find this sensor.
Thanks, Joe
PS: About 40 Lts/min ( 13 gal/min) or perhaps more
than 40 Lts/min.
Do you know about an Air Volume Flow Sensor ?
I need to measure air volume with a flow sensor
and a Basic Stamp.
Do you know where can I find this sensor.
Thanks, Joe
PS: About 40 Lts/min ( 13 gal/min) or perhaps more
than 40 Lts/min.
Im not sure how much air flow they're good for but couldnt you use the MAF (Mass Air Flow) sensor off of a·car? If im correct there are 3 pins used (5V ref, ground, and 0-5V relative to the amount of air flow). You could go to a junkyard and get one. Here's some info on them (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mass_flow_sensor). Hopes this helps a little.
black = ground
green = signal(middle wire)
red or orange = +5v
GM used to have two types of MAFS and MAPS(mid nineties) analog and digital. The digital version produced a 5v square wave signal
that varied with air flow, which would make it easy to hook up to a basic stamp. The way to tell the difference is to use a scope to look at the signal it produces.
Take note of what you get your senors from, year, model, engine size, chances are you may end up with a non-working MAF
some auto parts store require you to turn in the old part for a core.