BS2 to relay.
I have a class project coming up and know what I'm going to do but don't really know how to do it. I made a drying structure out of pvc pipe and was going to hook it up to a large blower. I was going to use the microcontroller to control several timers. But I'm not sure how to power a big enough blower. I was looking for differnet relays but can't find one with the right mounting type and rating. I wanted to just find a relay that I can just wire to a power outlet and let the I/O pins control the on and off with the timers. The output could be 120vac too but can't find one. Anyone have any idea's.
- Stephen
·"If you build it, they will come."
If you really want to go the relay route ..
Have a look at this thread ..
········· John Twomey
'Necessity is the mother of invention'