Using automobile power point to power stamp?
I am going to use the power point in my automobile to power both a GPS receiver and my stamp.· Will the stamp need anything besides regulating the power to the 5 Vdc(Vdd) that will be provided through the Voltage regulating circuit?
I am including the schematic.
The Bitmap file does not show well so I included a word doc also.
EPIC FAILURE -·When everyday run-of-the-mill failure just isn't good enough.
Post Edited (cutsrock) : 3/25/2008 1:16:38 AM GMT
I am including the schematic.
The Bitmap file does not show well so I included a word doc also.
EPIC FAILURE -·When everyday run-of-the-mill failure just isn't good enough.
Post Edited (cutsrock) : 3/25/2008 1:16:38 AM GMT
You might connect a diode in series with the +12V supply after the fuse and before the choke to save you if the battery ever gets connected backwards. It happens.
My plan is to: Add filtering, beef up the input capacitor, add a fuse befor the filter choke, and connect the GPS a the +12V at the regulator.
Will post updated schematic when done.
Thanks again Mike
EPIC FAILURE -·When everyday run-of-the-mill failure just isn't good enough.
Post Edited (cutsrock) : 3/25/2008 3:32:53 PM GMT
As Mike has pointed out - the automotive environment is a noisey place .. a suitable supply/regulator design is critical,C1,C1003,C1042,P36533
is a switched mode regulator I.C made by Linear technology - particularly suited to automotive apps..
John Twomey
'Necessity is the mother of invention'
EPIC FAILURE -·When everyday run-of-the-mill failure just isn't good enough.
EPIC FAILURE -·When everyday run-of-the-mill failure just isn't good enough.