StampPlot Lite and com Port
Posts: 2
I am new to basic stamp and to microcontroller.· I got my 1st basic stamp 2·a week ago and learning with the exercices that are in "What's a Microcontroller".· everything works great so far but now I have a problem using stampPlot lite ( StampPlot pro too)
My BS2 is on a board of education Rev C with USB port.·On my Laptop I have only USB ports, so the BOE is connected dicrectly to the PC, there is no serial to usb converter involved. ·I installed the USB drivers provided (·FDTI_VCP ) and connected the BOE and everything is fine.· The installation added a USB serial port ( COM18) in the device manager, and when using the basic stamp editor it effectively connects to the BOE-BS2 on COM18.
The problem is when I try forcing the com 18 in stampPlot Lite or pro they wont work.· StampPlot Lite displays a list to choose from Com 1 to 4 and when I type 18 in the com selection cell, it seems to accept it but tells me that The selected COM port is not available.· I is the same in SP Pro except the list goes from COM·1 to 10.
I suppose one solution would be to change COM18 to a COM that's available in SP Lite or Pro but I dont know how?
Can someone help?
My BS2 is on a board of education Rev C with USB port.·On my Laptop I have only USB ports, so the BOE is connected dicrectly to the PC, there is no serial to usb converter involved. ·I installed the USB drivers provided (·FDTI_VCP ) and connected the BOE and everything is fine.· The installation added a USB serial port ( COM18) in the device manager, and when using the basic stamp editor it effectively connects to the BOE-BS2 on COM18.
The problem is when I try forcing the com 18 in stampPlot Lite or pro they wont work.· StampPlot Lite displays a list to choose from Com 1 to 4 and when I type 18 in the com selection cell, it seems to accept it but tells me that The selected COM port is not available.· I is the same in SP Pro except the list goes from COM·1 to 10.
I suppose one solution would be to change COM18 to a COM that's available in SP Lite or Pro but I dont know how?
Can someone help?
When you go to the screen to select the COM port (configuration window), type in 18, and set as default.
The newer version of Lite should handle up to 15, but please try Pro because it may support your 18.
SelmaWare Solutions - StampPlot GUI for controllers, XBee and Propeller Application Boards
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Electronic Systems Technologies
American Technical Educator's Assoc. Conference·- April, Biloxi, MS. -- PROPELLER WORKSHOP!
The new version of Pro takes up to Com 15 as you said, still it didn't work.· But I found a way to change com18 into com 2, in the device manager, com18 properties, advanced, I changed the 18 by 2 an it seems to have renammed the port.· Stamp Plot lite is working now, we'll see in the next few days what else as stopped working with this rename.
I just tested Pro, it'working too
Thank you