ir remote control code help
I have a awesome bot that uses a h-bridge that I made myself that consits or relays and a couple of transistors. Everything is perfect except for two things. I am using a ir remote control from a sony tv, so it has a quite limited range. When the bot gets out of range then ir does not receive the brake signal from the remote. Also when it loses the signal then it just keeps going eventually hitting a wall. I would use a contact sensor of some sort but it goes way to fast and is too heavy to stop from top speed to zero in under the distance of a foot. I also would use a ping sensor, but I am really tight on money, due to me spending it all on an 8800gt and q6600. I have no idea how to make the bs2 sense, that there was no signal for 100 ms, and therefor stop. I have the code here to make your lives esiaer. 
makelow is what makes the bot stop.

' {$STAMP BS2} ' {$PBASIC 2.5} time VAR Word irPulse VAR Word remoteCode VAR Byte t VAR Word b VAR Word LOW 12 LOW 13 LOW 14 LOW 15 PAUSE 100 start: DO GOSUB remote GOSUB move remoteCode = 15 LOOP remote: ' Main DO...LOOP Get_Pulses: ' Label to restart message check remoteCode = 0 ' Clear previous remoteCode ' Wait for resting state between messages to end. DO RCTIME 9, 1, irPulse LOOP UNTIL irPulse > 1000 ' Measure start pulse. If out of range, then retry at Get_Pulses label. RCTIME 9, 0, irPulse IF irPulse > 1125 OR irPulse < 675 THEN GOTO Get_Pulses ' Get Data bit pulses. RCTIME 9, 0, irPulse IF irPulse > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT0 = 1 RCTIME 9, 0, irPulse IF irPulse > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT1 = 1 RCTIME 9, 0, irPulse IF irPulse > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT2 = 1 RCTIME 9, 0, irPulse IF irPulse > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT3 = 1 RCTIME 9, 0, irPulse IF irPulse > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT4 = 1 RCTIME 9, 0, irPulse IF irPulse > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT5 = 1 RCTIME 9, 0, irPulse IF irPulse > 300 THEN remoteCode.BIT6 = 1 ' Map digit keys to actual values. IF (remoteCode < 10) THEN remoteCode = remoteCode + 1 IF (remoteCode = 10) THEN remoteCode = 0 DEBUG CLS, ? remoteCode RETURN backwardall: HIGH 12 HIGH 13 HIGH 14 LOW 15 RETURN forwardall: HIGH 12 LOW 13 HIGH 15 HIGH 14 RETURN goright: HIGH 12 HIGH 13 LOW 15 LOW 14 PAUSE 100 RETURN goleft: HIGH 12 LOW 13 HIGH 15 LOW 14 PAUSE 100 RETURN makelow: ' brake LOW 12 LOW 13 LOW 14 LOW 15 RETURN light: HIGH 0 PAUSE 100 RCTIME 0, 1, time DEBUG HOME, " time = " ,DEC5 time RETURN move: GOSUB makelow IF remoteCode = 117 THEN GOSUB backwardall ENDIF IF remoteCode = 116 THEN GOSUB forwardall ENDIF IF remoteCode = 52 THEN GOSUB goleft ENDIF IF remoteCode = 51 THEN GOSUB goright ENDIF IF remoteCode = 101 THEN GOSUB makelow ENDIF PAUSE 100 RETURN
makelow is what makes the bot stop.