PING))) Problems
I can't access the PING no matter what I do.· I wired it according to the directions, turn on the BS1 Project board, and all of the PING's lights stay on solid.
I would imagine all the lights staying on means something isn't working, since I know LAN port lights only blink when actively transferring.
Ideas?· Help!
I would imagine all the lights staying on means something isn't working, since I know LAN port lights only blink when actively transferring.
Ideas?· Help!
I hooked up the Ping's VDD to a VDD on the BS1 Pro Board, the VSS to a VSS on the Project, and the RX/TX ports to P3 and 5.
Reading the manual, it says a 9V battery is not enough and that's all I have. Maybe a wall brick would do the trick?
The PING only draws around 30mA and a BS1 will draw maybe 3mA.
A 9V alkaline battery will last maybe 15 hours at that rate of drain.
What else do you have connected to the board?
It will have an AppBee and the PINK connected though, so I doubt 9V will be an option.
Off-topic, can I wire a AA case to the 9V terminals? I was thinking of running 3 or 4 AAs in serial rather than the 9V. I wanted to hopefully wire up a solar cell to rechargable batteries later on.
The Project Board's regulator can't supply the PINK either since it can only supply about 40mA. You'll need a separate regulator.
You can wire an AA case to the 9V terminals. RadioShack sells a package of the battery clips. You have to remember that the color code is backwards because the clips are intended for use with a current using device, not a power supply. You'll need 4 cells if you use alkaline batteries or 5 AA cells if you use rechargables. 4 rechargables won't supply enough voltage (only 4.8V).
So there's actually no way to do this then, I need to wire a seperate power supply for the PINK, which adds a whole other level of complication to the matter. Not good, but at least now I know. =(
Edit:· USB connectors use the outer pins for power, 5V and ground, up to 500mA.· I'm thinking, if I have a sacrificial USB cable, how bout I splice some connectors on it and power it through USB?· It would be ideal, since I initially wanted to power the PINK and Stamp as close as possible to a computer.
Post Edited (Chris C) : 3/21/2008 9:04:11 PM GMT
Chris Savage
Parallax Tech Support