What EEPROMS can you use with the prop?
Naturally, the 24LC256 works fine with the prop. But is there any other kind of eeproms with different sizes that can be used. the reason i ask is because i can not seem to buy the 24LC256 here in sweden. (or maybe im looking·at the wrong places)
ive tried the 24LC02, witch is a 256k eeprom with the exact same pinout and interface. But i get "Failed to verify"
Maybe its a stupid question like always, and maybe im just tired and crossed some wires but..
Is there anyone who has used different eeproms or is there a documented cross reference list of some sort.
thanks anyway!
Sometimes you have to rest your persuit of happiness and just be happy.
ive tried the 24LC02, witch is a 256k eeprom with the exact same pinout and interface. But i get "Failed to verify"
Maybe its a stupid question like always, and maybe im just tired and crossed some wires but..
Is there anyone who has used different eeproms or is there a documented cross reference list of some sort.
thanks anyway!
Sometimes you have to rest your persuit of happiness and just be happy.
PLEASE CONSIDER the following:
Do you want a quickly operational black box solution or the knowledge included therein?······
I was tired allright!!
Sometimes you have to rest your persuit of happiness and just be happy.
Post Edited (labsmoke) : 3/21/2008 1:23:47 PM GMT
I think you can get 24LC256 OR 24LC512 from Farnell.
2K I2C™ Serial EEPROM
(24XX02*) is a 2 Kbit Electrically Erasable PROM.
The device is organized as one block of 256 x 8-bit memory
Aka: CosmicBob
Post Edited (Bob Lawrence (VE1RLL)) : 3/21/2008 1:18:18 PM GMT
but is there any other eeprom other than the 24LC256(512) that can work?
not that i dont order from farnell from time to time but...
Sometimes you have to rest your persuit of happiness and just be happy.
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