hi all questions regarding pink capabilty od sending udp messages and email
hi all,,
i came to hear that pink module has capabilty od sending udp messages and email how is that possible
UDP messages :-
what does it actually mean it sends udp messages to other pink module or to another computer connected in lan
we have tried by executing the sample code but the result is zero
we dont know what does it actually mean
and for sending EMAIL confuguring of smpt server what does it mean
just give the brief description of above questions
i came to hear that pink module has capabilty od sending udp messages and email how is that possible
UDP messages :-
what does it actually mean it sends udp messages to other pink module or to another computer connected in lan
we have tried by executing the sample code but the result is zero
we dont know what does it actually mean
and for sending EMAIL confuguring of smpt server what does it mean
just give the brief description of above questions
SMTP or Simple Mail Transfer Protocol
Take a look here http://uic.rsu.ru/doc/inet/tcp_stevens/
This text will really help anyone that wants to use LAN networks. For UDP, see Chapter 11. Yes, a whole chapter. STMP is Chapter 28. Yes another chapter.
When you say 'we don't know what does it actually mean', you imply that are just starting to understand networking.
So please try the above classic textbook for full background information TCP/IP. The PINK can do quite a bit if you understand how to use the network it is on.
This will give you a very clear explanation of what a 'udp message' is, also it will help you to understand what an 'smpt server' is.
Just plugging it in and running the software with no idea of what else is available on the LAN won't do much. Hopefully, you will enjoy learning more about LANs. It is a very big topic.
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Do you want a quickly operational black box solution or the knowledge included therein?······
Post Edited (Kramer) : 3/21/2008 11:26:49 AM GMT
i mean i dont know about the pink how does it work
regarding this protocols
The PINK is basically a web server that can talk to a Stamp. The Stamp can set and read "variables" that are named and the PINK incorporates information in those variables into Internet messages. The variable values can be accessed from the HTML stored in the PINK for the web server and the server also checks specific variables for UDP messages to be sent and for e-mail to be sent to an SMTP server. All this is described in the manual.
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 3/22/2008 4:49:22 PM GMT
we have controlled boe bot through our college lan and we can communicate in two ways with dynamic html
but the prob is when we executed that program regarding udp messages we dono that it sends messages to computers or
another stamp module
we got no output nothing !!!
Of course, you need to have a valid IP# for the destination. In a dynamic IP# assignment·set up, that may be hard to determine unless you have access to the administrative section of the router.
It would be best if at first, the UDP message was sent to a·physically nearby computer.· Either directly to a computer without a router or·to a LAN [noparse][[/noparse]local area network] address shared by the router that you are connecting·your Pink into for initial testing the functionality are easier to learn with.
So, if you cannot do testing on a LAN because you don't know the IP# of the destination, just have it cabled directly to a PC using a cross-over cable [noparse][[/noparse]the PINK supplies one for this purpose].· You can assign an IP# to the PC for temporary testing.
If you are trying to go through several routers, an ADSL modem, or a gateway - you have to know more details about what your network allows and disallows. Everyone has a different idea of security and convienence.
Of course, if an instructor set up a good IP# as a destination for you, then you really don't have to learn all this network administration in order to use it. Hopefully, the instructor will have checked to make sure it works.
The computer that is responding has to have a port enabled for the UDP messaging and that may require a bit of learning. I've never done this in Windows, but I suspect you will have to work at the Command Prompt level to set something up.
BTW, UDP messaging is commonly associated with 'instant messaging'.· You might be able to adapt such software to communicate.
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Post Edited (Kramer) : 3/23/2008 6:55:39 AM GMT
1. Make sure you are using a cross over cable and not the straight through cable.
2. Make sure you have a good IP# and Port established for the UDP messaging.
3. Determine what is the application that the PC uses to support receipt and reply of UDP messages.
PLEASE CONSIDER the following:
Do you want a quickly operational black box solution or the knowledge included therein?······
Post Edited (Kramer) : 3/24/2008 8:24:51 AM GMT
(An excerpt from netstat -p on my Linux box)
The main reason they use TCP is it's guaranteed delivery, and the fact that it's easier to use (You have to maintain more of the state yourself with UDP comms). As this isn't an application which depends on low latency, the overheads aren't important.
I seemed to have Googled into something that was not quite clear about UDP. I guess the writer had a different concept of what an 'instant message' referred to.
UDP apparently is a very easy protocol to learn because it is simple packets, but is also considered 'unreliable' and ' arrival of the packets is not ordered'. {One cannot be sure the message arrives as the destinaton as there is not confirmaiton or in what order they arrive.}
Is there an application example that would make their utility clearer?
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Do you want a quickly operational black box solution or the knowledge included therein?······
In VB.net, UDP is easy to use for getting data from the network. I can post some examples if anyone wants them.