reading voltage 0 to 16 vdc from bs2
how can i make a volts meter withe the basic stamp 2
this project is to give me a signal when the baterie are low at a sertain voltage
and when it is fuly charge like 14.5 vdc
i read lots of books. the only thing i see is all smal signel amd you give (*/=-)
to make your reding apear on a lcd
this project is to give me a signal when the baterie are low at a sertain voltage
and when it is fuly charge like 14.5 vdc
i read lots of books. the only thing i see is all smal signel amd you give (*/=-)
to make your reding apear on a lcd
Here take a look at this post i ask the same·thing that you are asking about
Here is the link to that post
Here is the link that Mike Green is talking about
··Thanks for any·
Post Edited (sam_sam_sam) : 3/19/2008 4:46:29 PM GMT