Converting BS1 to BS2
I have recently purchaced the BS2 practice board and I have the BS1 "programming and custimization the computer stamp computer". I am stuck on the traffic light programming and i dont know how to convert BS1 to BS2 programming. I have all the software and serial cable to install and run it. If someone could help me change the coding or make an entirely new program that would be awesome.
This traffic light needs to be fully functional and have 2 lights for·a N/S and E/W. I also need a light sensor to know if its night or day. There also needs to be a push button for both lights for pedestrian crossing.
I have done previous programming, but I am really new to this and any information would be extremly helpful!!
This traffic light needs to be fully functional and have 2 lights for·a N/S and E/W. I also need a light sensor to know if its night or day. There also needs to be a push button for both lights for pedestrian crossing.
I have done previous programming, but I am really new to this and any information would be extremly helpful!!

Given that the BS1 and BS2 are very similar and the BS1 is very limited in the size of program it can accept, this should be an easy process. There are two slightly different standards for the statement syntax ... version 2.0 and version 2.5. You want to use version 2.0 which is normally the default in the Stamp Editor. This is the closest to BS1 Basic.
Look at the chapter on the Stamp architecture and you'll see diagrams and tables of the differences between the two in terms of I/O pin and variable declarations and expression operators and syntax. Next, go through your BS1 line by line and look up the statement in the manual. Where there are differences between the BS1 and BS2, there'll be some discussion in the manual.
Once you've modified all the statements, try compiling the program and fix any obvious errors. If you still have problems, post your code as an attachment to a new message.
Please find attached a BS1 to BS2 Conversion Tips guide published by Parallax. That should get you started, then follow Mike's excellent advice.
Bruce Bates
Involvement and committment can be best understood by looking at a plate of ham and eggs. The chicken was involved, but the pig was committed. ANON