My Very First Basic Stamp project. Ping activated turret gun!
Hi all,
I bough the boebot kit and went through the book.
This is my first project using a basic stamp and programming.
I have a Ping sensor mounted on top of a servo. It scans back and forth looking for any object closer than 30 in. When it locates and object the toy disc shooter which is also mounted on a servo swings to the same position and fires.
The major challenge I had was with the toy gun. I thought since the gun took battery that it would be all electric and therefore easy for the basic stamp to fire. It turns out the gun has an electric motor that spins up to speed when you turn the toy on. Then it has a mechanical linkage that pushes a foam disk into the motor when the trigger is pressed. I had to use another servo to activate the trigger.

Here is a video of it working:
To turn on the motor in the toy I am using a 5v reed relay. I soldered a diode across it to protect the stamp.
I made this mainly to annoy my coworkers as they walk past my cubicle.
Here is the program: This is my first ever program. Please let me know if anything could be streamlined or enhanced in the code.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
pin locations for each component
'p6 = ping sensor
'p8 = relay to activate dc motor
'p10 = piezo speaker
'p12 (servo plug) = sweeping servo that ping sensor is attached to
'p13 (servo plug) = servo that gun is attached to
'p14 (servo plug) = servo that activates mechanical trigger on toy gun
constants and variables
inconstant CON 890······························ 'constant to divide raw ping data to convert to inches. Room Temp
counterstep CON 150····························· 'this is the amount of steps the sweep will go through.
change this constant to change the trigger range- This number is in inches
trigger CON 30································· 'trigger distance
direction VAR Word
ammo VAR Word
counter VAR Word································ 'this counter is for the servo sweep
sweep VAR Word
gunsweep VAR Word······························· 'this counter repeats the sweep until servo is in position
indistance VAR Word
time VAR Word
beeper VAR Word
sets trigger servo to neutral start position and motor relay to off
LOW 8·············································· 'sets fire relay to off
FOR counter = 1 TO 20······························ 'sets trigger servo to neutral
··· PULSOUT 14,750
··· PAUSE 20
beeps 5 times then slowly scans ping servo right to left (just for show!)
FOR counter = 1 TO 5······························· 'beep at start
· FREQOUT 10, 250, 3500
· PAUSE 100
··················································· 'sweep to start position - just for show
FOR counter = 1000 TO 500 STEP 3
····· PULSOUT 12, counter
····· PAUSE 10
starts scanning/firing sequence
DO·················································· 'start scanning
··· FOR direction = 500 TO 1050 STEP counterstep
··· FOR sweep = 1 TO 6
····· PULSOUT 12, direction
····· PAUSE 10
··· NEXT
····· PULSOUT 6,5··································· 'ping
····· PULSIN 6,1,time
····· indistance = inconstant ** time··············· ' convert ping input to inches
····· DEBUG HOME, DEC5 time, " ping raw data", CR,·· 'displays raw ping data
····· DEC3 indistance, " in", CR,························ 'displays ping results in inches
····· DEC2 ammo, " ammo count"················ 'displays the amount of ammo left
····· PAUSE 10
··· IF indistance = <trigger THEN
····· GOSUB fire
····· ELSE
· FOR direction = 900 TO 550 STEP counterstep
··· FOR sweep = 1 TO 6
····· PULSOUT 12, direction
····· PAUSE 10
··· NEXT
····· PULSOUT 6,5··································· 'ping
····· PULSIN 6,1,time
····· indistance = inconstant ** time··············· ' convert ping input to inches
····· DEBUG HOME, DEC5 time, " ping raw data", CR,·· 'displays raw ping data
····· DEC3 indistance, " in"························ 'displays ping results in inches
····· PAUSE 10
··· IF indistance = <trigger THEN··················· 'triggers firing sequence
····· GOSUB fire
····· ELSE
fire:··············································· 'activates firing relay
ammo = ammo + 1
FOR gunsweep = 1 TO 10······························ 'move to fire position of ping servo
· PULSOUT 13, direction
· PAUSE 20
PAUSE 300··········································· 'pause long enough for dc motor to spin up to speed
· FOR counter = 1 TO 20····························· 'servo to activate mechanical trigger
··· PULSOUT 14,600
··· PAUSE 20
· FOR counter = 1 TO 20····························· 'return trigger servo to neutral
··· PULSOUT 14,750
··· PAUSE 20
FOR gunsweep = 1 TO 10······························ 'return to center after fire
· PULSOUT 13, 750
· PAUSE 20
IF ammo = 10 THEN··································· 'check how much ammo is left
· GOSUB ammoout
if ammo out return servos to neutral and beep 10 times then shutdown
FOR gunsweep = 1 TO 10······························ 'return to center after ammo out
· PULSOUT 13, 750
· PULSOUT 12, 750
· PAUSE 20
FOR beeper = 1 TO 10
· FREQOUT 10, 250,3500
· PAUSE 100
I bough the boebot kit and went through the book.
This is my first project using a basic stamp and programming.
I have a Ping sensor mounted on top of a servo. It scans back and forth looking for any object closer than 30 in. When it locates and object the toy disc shooter which is also mounted on a servo swings to the same position and fires.
The major challenge I had was with the toy gun. I thought since the gun took battery that it would be all electric and therefore easy for the basic stamp to fire. It turns out the gun has an electric motor that spins up to speed when you turn the toy on. Then it has a mechanical linkage that pushes a foam disk into the motor when the trigger is pressed. I had to use another servo to activate the trigger.

Here is a video of it working:
To turn on the motor in the toy I am using a 5v reed relay. I soldered a diode across it to protect the stamp.
I made this mainly to annoy my coworkers as they walk past my cubicle.
Here is the program: This is my first ever program. Please let me know if anything could be streamlined or enhanced in the code.
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
pin locations for each component
'p6 = ping sensor
'p8 = relay to activate dc motor
'p10 = piezo speaker
'p12 (servo plug) = sweeping servo that ping sensor is attached to
'p13 (servo plug) = servo that gun is attached to
'p14 (servo plug) = servo that activates mechanical trigger on toy gun
constants and variables
inconstant CON 890······························ 'constant to divide raw ping data to convert to inches. Room Temp
counterstep CON 150····························· 'this is the amount of steps the sweep will go through.
change this constant to change the trigger range- This number is in inches
trigger CON 30································· 'trigger distance
direction VAR Word
ammo VAR Word
counter VAR Word································ 'this counter is for the servo sweep
sweep VAR Word
gunsweep VAR Word······························· 'this counter repeats the sweep until servo is in position
indistance VAR Word
time VAR Word
beeper VAR Word
sets trigger servo to neutral start position and motor relay to off
LOW 8·············································· 'sets fire relay to off
FOR counter = 1 TO 20······························ 'sets trigger servo to neutral
··· PULSOUT 14,750
··· PAUSE 20
beeps 5 times then slowly scans ping servo right to left (just for show!)
FOR counter = 1 TO 5······························· 'beep at start
· FREQOUT 10, 250, 3500
· PAUSE 100
··················································· 'sweep to start position - just for show
FOR counter = 1000 TO 500 STEP 3
····· PULSOUT 12, counter
····· PAUSE 10
starts scanning/firing sequence
DO·················································· 'start scanning
··· FOR direction = 500 TO 1050 STEP counterstep
··· FOR sweep = 1 TO 6
····· PULSOUT 12, direction
····· PAUSE 10
··· NEXT
····· PULSOUT 6,5··································· 'ping
····· PULSIN 6,1,time
····· indistance = inconstant ** time··············· ' convert ping input to inches
····· DEBUG HOME, DEC5 time, " ping raw data", CR,·· 'displays raw ping data
····· DEC3 indistance, " in", CR,························ 'displays ping results in inches
····· DEC2 ammo, " ammo count"················ 'displays the amount of ammo left
····· PAUSE 10
··· IF indistance = <trigger THEN
····· GOSUB fire
····· ELSE
· FOR direction = 900 TO 550 STEP counterstep
··· FOR sweep = 1 TO 6
····· PULSOUT 12, direction
····· PAUSE 10
··· NEXT
····· PULSOUT 6,5··································· 'ping
····· PULSIN 6,1,time
····· indistance = inconstant ** time··············· ' convert ping input to inches
····· DEBUG HOME, DEC5 time, " ping raw data", CR,·· 'displays raw ping data
····· DEC3 indistance, " in"························ 'displays ping results in inches
····· PAUSE 10
··· IF indistance = <trigger THEN··················· 'triggers firing sequence
····· GOSUB fire
····· ELSE
fire:··············································· 'activates firing relay
ammo = ammo + 1
FOR gunsweep = 1 TO 10······························ 'move to fire position of ping servo
· PULSOUT 13, direction
· PAUSE 20
PAUSE 300··········································· 'pause long enough for dc motor to spin up to speed
· FOR counter = 1 TO 20····························· 'servo to activate mechanical trigger
··· PULSOUT 14,600
··· PAUSE 20
· FOR counter = 1 TO 20····························· 'return trigger servo to neutral
··· PULSOUT 14,750
··· PAUSE 20
FOR gunsweep = 1 TO 10······························ 'return to center after fire
· PULSOUT 13, 750
· PAUSE 20
IF ammo = 10 THEN··································· 'check how much ammo is left
· GOSUB ammoout
if ammo out return servos to neutral and beep 10 times then shutdown
FOR gunsweep = 1 TO 10······························ 'return to center after ammo out
· PULSOUT 13, 750
· PULSOUT 12, 750
· PAUSE 20
FOR beeper = 1 TO 10
· FREQOUT 10, 250,3500
· PAUSE 100
You didn't say if the gun was auto repeat. (it keeps shooting if the target doesn't move).
Sitll a very nice first project.....
James L
James L
Lil Brother LLC (SMT Assembly Services)
I guess I'll get started on it.
I did program it to keep track of how many discs it fires so that it will shut down when it is finished.
I am also thinking of adding a "doomsday button" (big red button that says "do not push") When pushed the gun will sweep back and forth firing every disc·as fast as possible.
I need to get a big red button!
Also after each trigger pull it pings to see if the target is still there. If yes it keeps firing (pinging between each fire) until the target leaves or it runs out of ammo.
Heres the revised code
' {$STAMP BS2}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
pin locations for each component
'p6 = ping sensor
'p8 = relay to activate dc motor
'p10 = piezo speaker
'p12 (servo plug) = sweeping servo that ping sensor is attached to
'p13 (servo plug) = servo that gun is attached to
'p14 (servo plug) = servo that activates mechanical trigger on toy gun
constants and variables
inconstant CON 890······························ 'constant to divide raw ping data to convert to inches. Room Temp
counterstep CON 150····························· 'this is the amount of steps the sweep will go through.
change this constant to change the trigger range- This number is in inches
trigger CON 15································· 'trigger distance
direction VAR Word
ammo VAR Word
counter VAR Word································ 'this counter is for the servo sweep
sweep VAR Word
gunsweep VAR Word······························· 'this counter repeats the sweep until servo is in position
indistance VAR Word
time VAR Word
beeper VAR Word
sets trigger servo to neutral start position and motor relay to off
LOW 8·············································· 'sets fire relay to off
FOR counter = 1 TO 20······························ 'sets trigger servo to neutral
··· PULSOUT 14,750
··· PAUSE 20
beeps 5 times then slowly scans ping servo right to left (just for show!)
FOR counter = 1 TO 5······························· 'beep at start
· FREQOUT 10, 250, 3500
· PAUSE 100
··················································· 'sweep to start position - just for show
FOR counter = 1000 TO 500 STEP 3
····· PULSOUT 12, counter
····· PULSOUT 13, counter
····· PAUSE 10
··· NEXT
FOR counter = 1 TO 20······························ 'sets gun to neutral
··· PULSOUT 13,750
··· PAUSE 20
starts scanning/firing sequence
DO·················································· 'start scanning
··· FOR direction = 500 TO 1050 STEP counterstep
··· FOR sweep = 1 TO 6
····· PULSOUT 12, direction
····· PAUSE 10
··· NEXT
····· PULSOUT 6,5··································· 'ping
····· PULSIN 6,1,time
····· indistance = inconstant ** time··············· ' convert ping input to inches
····· DEBUG HOME, DEC5 time, " ping raw data", CR,·· 'displays raw ping data
····· DEC3 indistance, " in", CR,························ 'displays ping results in inches
····· DEC2 ammo, " ammo count"················ 'displays the amount of ammo left
····· PAUSE 10
··· IF indistance = <trigger THEN
····· GOSUB fire
····· ELSE
· FOR direction = 900 TO 550 STEP counterstep
··· FOR sweep = 1 TO 6
····· PULSOUT 12, direction
····· PAUSE 10
··· NEXT
····· PULSOUT 6,5··································· 'ping
····· PULSIN 6,1,time
····· indistance = inconstant ** time··············· ' convert ping input to inches
····· DEBUG HOME, DEC5 time, " ping raw data", CR,·· 'displays raw ping data
····· DEC3 indistance, " in"························ 'displays ping results in inches
····· PAUSE 10
··· IF indistance = <trigger THEN··················· 'triggers firing sequence
····· GOSUB fire
····· ELSE
fire:··············································· 'activates firing relay
FOR gunsweep = 1 TO 10······························ 'move to fire position of ping servo
· PULSOUT 13, direction
· PAUSE 20
PAUSE 250··········································· 'pause long enough for dc motor to spin up to speed
PULSOUT 6,5········································· 'ping to check if target is still in location
····· PULSIN 6,1,time
····· indistance = inconstant ** time··············· ' convert ping input to inches
····· IF indistance = <trigger THEN
······· GOSUB triggerpull
······· ELSE
······· LOW 8
······· FOR gunsweep = 1 TO 10······················ 'return to center after fire
········· PULSOUT 13, 750
········· PAUSE 20
······· NEXT
····· ENDIF
triggerpull:······· ammo = ammo + 1
········· IF ammo = 11 THEN··································· 'check how much ammo is left
········· GOSUB ammoout
········· ELSE
········· ENDIF
········· FOR counter = 1 TO 20····························· 'servo to activate mechanical trigger
··········· PULSOUT 14,600
··········· PAUSE 20
········· NEXT
········· FOR counter = 1 TO 20····························· 'return trigger servo to neutral
············· PULSOUT 14,750
············· PAUSE 20
········· NEXT
··················· PULSOUT 6,5··································· 'ping to check if target is still in location
··················· PULSIN 6,1,time
··················· indistance = inconstant ** time··············· 'convert ping input to inches
··················· IF indistance = <trigger THEN
······················ GOSUB triggerpull
··················· ELSE·········································· 'turn off relay
··················· LOW 8
······················· FOR gunsweep = 1 TO 10···················· 'return to center after fire
······················· PULSOUT 13, 750
······················· PAUSE 20
······················· NEXT
··················· ENDIF
········· RETURN
if ammo out return servos to neutral and beep 10 times then shutdown
FOR gunsweep = 1 TO 10······························ 'return to center after ammo out
· PULSOUT 13, 750
· PULSOUT 12, 750
· PAUSE 20
FOR beeper = 1 TO 10
· FREQOUT 10, 250,3500
· PAUSE 100
A couple suggestions...
Can you somehow mount the Ping on top of the gun's turrent and use that to scan so there's less of a delay in firing?
You need to add wheels! A mobile foam disc killing machine!
Another thing to consider is a target... a simple robot that moves randomly in the gun's field of view with a giant target
sitting on it... maybe put an impact switch on it so it knows when its been hit and sits still (plays dead).
Edit: What's that white plastic mount you have the Ping attached to? It looks like a perfect fit.
Coworkers be warned.
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Post Edited (Whit) : 3/17/2008 2:59:37 PM GMT
Yes I could mount the ping directly on the gun, but I am a little worried about the gun mount right now. The gun is just epoxied to the servo horn. I dont want to put too much weight on it. I think I might mount this on the boebot and chase my dogs with it.
The little plastic thing on the ping sensor is a perfect fit!· I modelled it in Solidworks and printed it out at work on our Dimension 3D rapid prototyping machine.
Here are the ideas for my next 2 projects:
Hack this toy parrot I have that says insults and flaps its wings- Make it say different more specific things to my coworkers.
Built a LED clock of some type. I am thinking of the design ideas now.
"We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we're curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths." - Walt Disney
Keep it up
new avatar?
"Understand a grain of rice through and through and you will understand the nature of the·universe."
·- Hsueh-feng, ·Blue Cliff Record