can i make my pink module to communicate in two ways ?
hi ,,
i have designed my pink module in such a way that in my college lan i can control my bot from any system
u all know its a simple task
but what i actually need is if my bot sees an obstacle it should inform the user by alerting him with na alert box
is it possible ?
if soo pls give me the brief description or any idea ?
we will handle all that coding part and html part![devil.gif](
if u r not able to get what i mean here is the brirf description
see we have variable in the pink module
i have configured my pink in such a manner if Nb_var01 changes to 1 it(boe-bot) goes straight
" " """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2 stops simlarly others
what i need is if it gets an obstacle in front of it it should display an alert box or message (html coding we will handle)
mean that pink module should trigger(sending any mesg or html page itself) my browser by any means
except that mailing sort of think
i have designed my pink module in such a way that in my college lan i can control my bot from any system
u all know its a simple task
but what i actually need is if my bot sees an obstacle it should inform the user by alerting him with na alert box
is it possible ?
if soo pls give me the brief description or any idea ?
we will handle all that coding part and html part
if u r not able to get what i mean here is the brirf description
see we have variable in the pink module
i have configured my pink in such a manner if Nb_var01 changes to 1 it(boe-bot) goes straight
" " """""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""""" 2 stops simlarly others
what i need is if it gets an obstacle in front of it it should display an alert box or message (html coding we will handle)
mean that pink module should trigger(sending any mesg or html page itself) my browser by any means
except that mailing sort of think
What you can do is to add a script to your PINK's webpage HTML that requests a variable value from the PINK over and over,
perhaps several times a second. That variable value indicates whether the BOT has encountered an obstacle. If the
script sees a particular value, it can display the warning dialog, but the control has to be on the browser side of things.
You could use any scripting language that you know and that your browser supports. JavaScript is commonly used.