Ideas for project. Motion activated playback of random recorded audio?
Hi all,
I'm new to all this.
I just completed my first project (will post it soon) hint: turret gun with scanning ping sensor.
Here's the idea for the next project. What supplies do you think I need (voice chips, speakers, audio amplifiers etc) Try to keep it affordable?
A guy walks into a bathroom. There is a mannequin in the bathroom. Once the mannequin "detects" the guy she saids random "comments" P.
I have a basic stamp 2 to operate the sensors and trigger the audio. What do I need for the audio portion. I would like to be able to pre-record wav files on the computer then download them. I would like to have 5-10 short sound bytes that will playback in a random order.
I am thinking of using a passive IR sensor.
How would you approach this project if you were a beginner?
I'm new to all this.
I just completed my first project (will post it soon) hint: turret gun with scanning ping sensor.
Here's the idea for the next project. What supplies do you think I need (voice chips, speakers, audio amplifiers etc) Try to keep it affordable?
A guy walks into a bathroom. There is a mannequin in the bathroom. Once the mannequin "detects" the guy she saids random "comments" P.
I have a basic stamp 2 to operate the sensors and trigger the audio. What do I need for the audio portion. I would like to be able to pre-record wav files on the computer then download them. I would like to have 5-10 short sound bytes that will playback in a random order.
I am thinking of using a passive IR sensor.
How would you approach this project if you were a beginner?
The details (wiring and programming) would depend on which module you choose, but both are straightforward to use with a Stamp.
It seems to be pretty interesting... especially when combined with their SD board.
I have no idea how compatible that setup would be with stamps though... I'm just a noob [noparse]:)[/noparse]
The uMP3 Playback Module from Rogue Robotics
The V-Stamp Module from RC Systems
I like both of these products very much and found them easy to work with.· The V-Stamp will give you text to speech synthesis in addition to audio playback.
Do I need to get the programmer from them as well or can this be "cobbled" together reasonbly easy?
So how does interfacing with the BS2 work with this module?
Thanks·for all the help. Its nice to have a place for newbies like me to learn.