stuck with the counter modules lab
Posts: 139
I have a cap that gos from pin 17 to the + side of the cap and the - is connected to gnd.. I have a Varible resistor conneted to pin 17 and the other side to gnd.
here is the code, I copied from the lab..
so I load the eprom and nothing happens. I actually put and led of pin 17 with a 100 ohm resistor to see if pin 17 was doing anything at all and its not, or at least if it is charging the it, its happening to fast for me to see.
Im sure its something to do·with the way I·have·copied the code..·but i cant seem to find.
IC layout designer
Austin Texas
here is the code, I copied from the lab..
''TestRcDecay.spin ''Test RC Decay circuit decay measurements Con _clkmode = xtal1 + pll16x 'sets system clock to 80MHz _xinfreq = 5_000_000 OBJ Debug: "FullDuplexSerialPlus" 'use Hyper Terminal to display values PUB Init 'start serial communication, and wait 3s for user to connect to Hyper Terminal. Debug.start(31, 30 , 0, 57600) waitcnt(clkfreq * 3 + cnt) 'configure counter mode ctra[noparse][[/noparse]30..26] := %01000 'set mode to POS detector ctra[noparse][[/noparse]5..0] := 17 'set Apin to 17 (P17) frqa := 1 'Increment phsa by 1 for each clokc tick PUB Main | time 'Repeatedly takes and desplays P17 RC decay measurements. repeat 'charge RC Circuit dira[noparse][[/noparse]17] := outa[noparse][[/noparse]17] := 1 'set pin to output high waitcnt(clkfreq/100_000 + cnt) 'delay to let cap charge ' Start RC decay time measurement. Its automatice after this. phsa~ dira[noparse][[/noparse]17]~ debug.str(String(10, 10, 13, "working on other tasks")) repeat 10 Debug.tx(".") waitcnt(clkfreq/30 + cnt) ' measurment has been ready for a while. Adjust ticeks between phas~ and dira[noparse][[/noparse]17]~. time := (phsa - 624) #> 0 ' display result Debug.Str(String(10, 13, "time = ")) Debug.Dec(time) Waitcnt (clkfreq/2 + cnt) (replace this text with your code)
so I load the eprom and nothing happens. I actually put and led of pin 17 with a 100 ohm resistor to see if pin 17 was doing anything at all and its not, or at least if it is charging the it, its happening to fast for me to see.
Im sure its something to do·with the way I·have·copied the code..·but i cant seem to find.
IC layout designer
Austin Texas
i forgot to call the main method.. sorry sorry
IC layout designer
Austin Texas