No, I didn't hear from you. Your e-mail may have been trapped in ITGuy1 or ITGuy2's spam blocker system. Since there are 10K other e-mails stuck in their·filters everyday I often don't receive mail destined for my inbox.
Try again and I'll contact you if I don't receive it.
Ken Gracey
Did you get my Email on StampPlot / PLX-DAQ updates for Vista? Haven't heard back from you, and had another Email bounce back to me.
SelmaWare Solutions - StampPlot GUI for controllers, XBee and Propeller Application Boards
Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Electronic Systems Technologies
American Technical Educator's Assoc. Conference·- April, Biloxi, MS. -- PROPELLER WORKSHOP!
No, I didn't hear from you. Your e-mail may have been trapped in ITGuy1 or ITGuy2's spam blocker system. Since there are 10K other e-mails stuck in their·filters everyday I often don't receive mail destined for my inbox.
Try again and I'll contact you if I don't receive it.
Ken Gracey