LCARS (test)
Here's something I'm been meaning to try for a while now:· LCARS interface
Basically, I'm trying to copy this:·
This is a basic test using custom proportional font and 1-bit bitmaps.
I'm pretty happy with the look, but just this basic display uses up half of all hub memory...
Maybe there are some tricks to save a little, but this is another thing that will have to wait for Prop II
Here's a screenshot and the code:
Basically, I'm trying to copy this:·
This is a basic test using custom proportional font and 1-bit bitmaps.
I'm pretty happy with the look, but just this basic display uses up half of all hub memory...
Maybe there are some tricks to save a little, but this is another thing that will have to wait for Prop II

Here's a screenshot and the code:
1.You could store lots of data in SD or EEPROM memory above 32K (such as if you use a 24LC1024).
2.You could use that Propeller as a console for another one.
The current version of my iCONSOLE has a prop for all the I/O and display etc that's pretty much sitting in parallel with an ARM chip IF I need a lot more application program memory than I currently could run from a prop. But I'm trying to avoid the ARM chip, but it does have 512K of Flash and my fast IVOS Forth system. I mention this because I have considered having dual props with one to handle the display etc while the other handles the application and some I/O. What is lacking until we have propII is directly addressable internal memory, and 256K is a good figure (and 16 cogs). With all this software being written on the current prop we should be able to achieve warp 9 with propII almost immediately after launch.
I think I'll stick with fixed fonts until there's enough RAM to have the entire 1024x768 screen as a 1-bit bitmap. This is 98kB. This seems possible with the rumored 256kB on the Prop II.
Quantum: This is no game! I was going to try this as an actual front end for a real system. I haven't read Andre's book, but I imagine it utilizes low resolution modes. For me, 1024x768 is really the minimum useful resolution....
""...· I crack myself up!
That is a trip. Pretty cool.....awesome.
James L
James L
Lil Brother LLC (SMT Assembly Services)
Paul Baker
Propeller Applications Engineer
Parallax, Inc.
Post Edited (Paul Baker (Parallax)) : 3/16/2008 10:37:45 PM GMT
so what about using one prop as the "graphic-chip" waiting for the actual text and/or graphic-commands send by the second prop that is doing all the other things?
would this make the cost-calculation explode?
best regards
Harley Shanko
DOL can dynamically load and unload spin objects from an SD card. So if you had functions that were not needed very often you could just leave them on the SD card until they were needed reducing the amount of memory needed for code on the prop. I've got some ideas for the next version that will allow inheritance in spin objects for the next version but I've been working on the graphics driver and not had time to play with it. It also gets a bit hard to do the inheritance without pre-compiler support. It would be possible by hand but too easy to make a mistake.