USB data logger problem
I have connected a USB mass storage device to the Memory Stick Datalogger. I have also wired the Memory Stick Datalogger how the quick start guide shows. When i connect the USB device a red light stays on on the Memory Stick Datalogger. When I try to run the test program supplied by parallax it gives an error message and says it cannot connect to the USB device. Does anyone know what could be the problem? The USB device is functional and I have already ran the chkdsk function on it just in case.
It would help if you listed all of the messages you see on the Debug screen.
Also, did you try running the Parallax Demo program as well as the Test program?
"Memory Stick Datalogger Test V1.0
When i take the USB device out of the datalogger this happens:
"Memory Stick Datalogger Test V1.0
Checking for USB Flash drive...
Random Number (Seed) = 7618
Error reading the seed file -- Halting execution!"
This is what happens when i try running the DataloggerDemoV1.0.bs2 when the USB device plugged in beforehand:
"Memory Stick Datalogger Demo V1.0
Switching to Short Command Mode...Done!
Waiting for Memory Stick....................................................
the "..." keep going indefinitely.
one of your PC USB ports.
Then run the DataloggerTestv1.0.bs2 program again. This should write a file named
DATAFILE.TXT to the flash drive.
Plug the flash drive back into the PC and use Windows Explorer to see if it is there.
If it is, open the file with Notepad and look at the contents.
"Memory Stick Datalogger Test V1.0
It also did not write any file on the USB device.
Double check the wiring.
Assuming you've checked the wiring, all I can suggest at this point is to try
using a different flash drive.