Simple PWM Solenoid Driver?
Is there a simple circuit to allow·the Basic Stamp to control a 12Vdc Solenoid using the PWM command? I understand that using PWM can vary the position of the solenoid plunger.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
However, solenoids aren't generally designed to actuate over a range of positions,
so it wouldn't surprise me if your solenoid just hummed or buzzed for a while and
then clicked all the way in once your PWM circuit reached a certain threshold.
Put the solenoid in place of the motor
and use a high current transistor,
preferably a darlington such as a TIP120.
A better choice may be to use a MOSFET, like the IRL520 that Parallax sells.
BTW, I assume from your question that the solenoid has a spring return or some other force to oppose the pull from the coil, right?