Drawings of BASIC Stamp 1 Project Board & LCD Terminal AppMod
Hi There,
I have made a small application for counting people passing a doorway, using the BASIC Stamp 1 Project Board & LCD Terminal AppMod and now I have to make housing with holes for the buttons and LCD
Bu I cant seem to find any drawing with measurements showing where to make the holes for the LCD & Buttons, relative to the mounting holes on the BS 1 Project board.
Any Idea where I can find this?
Apart from that the BS1 is a cute and challenging little device - I had to "give up" more than 5 times because I ran out of memory. But now it works and has been running for more than 3 weeks
I have made a small application for counting people passing a doorway, using the BASIC Stamp 1 Project Board & LCD Terminal AppMod and now I have to make housing with holes for the buttons and LCD
Bu I cant seem to find any drawing with measurements showing where to make the holes for the LCD & Buttons, relative to the mounting holes on the BS 1 Project board.
Any Idea where I can find this?
Apart from that the BS1 is a cute and challenging little device - I had to "give up" more than 5 times because I ran out of memory. But now it works and has been running for more than 3 weeks