help with a circuit for a high voltage/current 7-segment display
Hello everyone,
I am using a BS2 to run two 4511 binary-to-digital converter chip to display numbers up to 99 on a high voltage/current dual 7-segment display board.
The problem is the display only works with voltages higher than 9 volts and the 4511 can only push 5 volts and low current.
Does anyone out there know the best way to use transisters in this circuit so:
1.· I can get the transistor circuit to trigger off the 0 to 5 volts without·burning up the 4511 chip or my BS2 chip in the process!!!!
A circuit diagram would be helpful if you already have one or can put one together.
I have tried this circuit with the NPN transisters but I ended up frying the 4511 chip and luckily didn't get my BS2 chip.
Thanks for any help!!
I am using a BS2 to run two 4511 binary-to-digital converter chip to display numbers up to 99 on a high voltage/current dual 7-segment display board.
The problem is the display only works with voltages higher than 9 volts and the 4511 can only push 5 volts and low current.
Does anyone out there know the best way to use transisters in this circuit so:
1.· I can get the transistor circuit to trigger off the 0 to 5 volts without·burning up the 4511 chip or my BS2 chip in the process!!!!
A circuit diagram would be helpful if you already have one or can put one together.
I have tried this circuit with the NPN transisters but I ended up frying the 4511 chip and luckily didn't get my BS2 chip.
Thanks for any help!!
Without more information from you about your display, it's impossible to provide a circuit diagram or anything more detailed since you've left so much unspecified.
The display is a [noparse][[/noparse]4] segment display from Maxx Tronic MX006-1 led display
-Display dimensions : 46x75 mm. or 1.78x3 inch.
-PCB dimensions : 63x85 mm. or 2.5x3.3 inch.
-Power supply : 12 Vdc.
-Display used : Ultra-bright LEDs.
-Consist : 5 LED’s per segment and a LED’s for the decimal point (p).
-At 12Vdc. A segment current ~ 15 mA.
15mA.»A decimal point (p) current ~
Total current ~ 120mA.
Fully Assembled and Tested
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Albert Einstein