Tech data on green LED parallax
Anyone that nows the "If" current on·green·LED,·ITEM CODE 350-00001?

Different colors have differring If and some suppliers don't document these details as current limiting resistors usually decide the power consumption. Some can go 30ma continous, 75ma peak, but your miroprocessor is likely to fail if you drive those levels.
BasicStamps usually are limited to 20-25ma sink/source.· Do you want the threshold or peak If?· There is a numer for everything.· 1.5-2ma usually will turn on on, but maybe 1ma can work.· So you see 220 ohm, 330ohm, 390 ohm, and 470 ohm resistors with LEDs at 5volts.· I've only had trouble with 470ohm when the duty cycle is less than 100%.
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Post Edited (Kramer) : 3/9/2008 12:21:42 PM GMT