PWMPAL, is it broken or is it me?
New to the forums but have been browsing for some time. Anyways, I bought a PWMPAL chip recently and it doesn't seem to be responding to any of the commands I send it even when copying code straight from the manual (voltage on output pins doesn't change!
). Does anyone with experience with this chip know a way to test if the chip is busted or if I have set it up wrong? Right now to test it I am sending it an "!ID" and using SERIN to see the response from the chip, but it never gets past that point. Any ideas??
Also don't know if its a problem but I am using a bs2px....I assume it uses the same baud rate as BS2SX, BS2P as in the example code....
Here is my "test code" :
{$STAMP BS2px}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
version VAR Word
DEBUG "Start", CR
SEROUT 0, 45, [noparse][[/noparse]"!PWMSS", %00010000]
DEBUG "initial", CR
SEROUT 0, 45, [noparse][[/noparse]"!ID"]
SERIN 0, 45, [noparse][[/noparse]STR version\3] ' Never gets past this point!!
DEBUG ? version
DEBUG "Version : ", version, CLREOL
SEROUT 0, 110, [noparse][[/noparse]"!PWMM1", 6, 0, 2, 0]
GOTO main

Also don't know if its a problem but I am using a bs2px....I assume it uses the same baud rate as BS2SX, BS2P as in the example code....
Here is my "test code" :
{$STAMP BS2px}
' {$PBASIC 2.5}
version VAR Word
DEBUG "Start", CR
SEROUT 0, 45, [noparse][[/noparse]"!PWMSS", %00010000]
DEBUG "initial", CR
SEROUT 0, 45, [noparse][[/noparse]"!ID"]
SERIN 0, 45, [noparse][[/noparse]STR version\3] ' Never gets past this point!!
DEBUG ? version
DEBUG "Version : ", version, CLREOL
SEROUT 0, 110, [noparse][[/noparse]"!PWMM1", 6, 0, 2, 0]
GOTO main
Otherwise, the BS2 'misses' the response while you're doing your DEBUG statement.
T1200 CON 813
T2400 CON 396
T4800 CON 188
T9600 CON 84
T19K2 CON 32
T38K4 CON 6
T1200 CON 2063
T2400 CON 1021
T4800 CON 500
T9600 CON 240
T19K2 CON 110
T38K4 CON 45
T1200 CON 3313
T2400 CON 1646
T4800 CON 813
T9600 CON 396
T19K2 CON 188
T38K4 CON 84
From the help section, looks like a change is required for baud rate.
Luckily we have a Bs2p to work with but damnit...will parallax ship replacements free? [noparse]:)[/noparse] That 8 buck shippin for an item weighing less than a pound is ridiculous
- Stephen