Graphic engines, your thoughts.
Timothy D. Swieter
Posts: 1,613
I am curious what graphic engines are available.· I am working on a dispaly driver for the uOLED-96-PROP.· The display can do 8 bit color and 16 bit color in a 96x64 pixels.· Right now I was thinking an 8-bit color display would be good, but it takes a lot of memory.· It all depends on the rest of the application.
I can write the dispaly driver driver, but I don't want to write a graphics engine.· In fact I pretty much·have a display driver written adn I need to plug in·a·graphics engine and adjust for the bitmapping.· I was wanting to tie in an existing graphics engines.· Any thoughts from the gurus on the forum for what graphics engine may be best?
For priliminary testing I was using the Parallax graphics driver, but that only allows four colors unless you do the trick with tiles like the TV driver does.· I was hoping to stay clear of that.
Your thoughts and suggestions are appreciated.
Timothy D. Swieter·- check out the uOLED-IOC, an I/O expansion for the uOLED-96-PROP
One little spark of imagination is all it takes for an idea to explode
I can write the dispaly driver driver, but I don't want to write a graphics engine.· In fact I pretty much·have a display driver written adn I need to plug in·a·graphics engine and adjust for the bitmapping.· I was wanting to tie in an existing graphics engines.· Any thoughts from the gurus on the forum for what graphics engine may be best?
For priliminary testing I was using the Parallax graphics driver, but that only allows four colors unless you do the trick with tiles like the TV driver does.· I was hoping to stay clear of that.
Your thoughts and suggestions are appreciated.
Timothy D. Swieter·- check out the uOLED-IOC, an I/O expansion for the uOLED-96-PROP
One little spark of imagination is all it takes for an idea to explode
What is the opinion on how graphics memory should be organized? Since I have done some work with the Parallax driver I hadn't been exposed to other ways of thinking. I need to browse more in the Hyrda book, I am sure there is more in there I haven't gotten to yet.
Timothy D. Swieter·- check out the uOLED-IOC, an I/O expansion for the uOLED-96-PROP
One little spark of imagination is all it takes for an idea to explode
BTW, uOLED-96 users, is the clock changable? can you put say, a 5Mhz or 6Mhz crystal in instead? to get the prop to run at a better speed?
So instead of feeding a rendered raster line to the TV driver, feed that line to the OLED. The rendering COGs will wait for driver to get the correct line, so you don't have to worry about it going too fast.
I woud suggest looking at my digital screen grab project and look at the source in there.
The uOLED crystal probably could be changed. I briefly did research but ws having trouble and got distracted. The discussion onit so far is that you would probably have to put in a 10MHz. crystal because the smallwer ones are a smaller footprint than thte current 8 MHz. crystal. At 64 MHz. you can still get decent speed.
As far as screen refresh rate, I will post something later today. I think you can get 30 to 45 frames/second of draw with a asm program that is feeding pixel data to the OLED and does not use the high level commands of the OLED driver. I did a simple demo with spinning stars (similar to the graphics/tv demo) and it looked really good.
More to come.
Timothy D. Swieter·- check out the uOLED-IOC, an I/O expansion for the uOLED-96-PROP
One little spark of imagination is all it takes for an idea to explode
The ASM routine is not using the high level commands for pixel draw or rectangle draw, but simiply stuffing the bits from the Propeller memory into the display driver chip on the OLED.· As you can see there is a good refresh rate.· The top, 2 digit, number on the display is the FPS for drawing to the working memory.· The OLED update rate is similar as you can tell from the motion on the screen.· By the way, this is with the Propeller running at 64 MHz.
Now my job is to start or to find an 8-bit graphics driver to couple in with my display driver.· My Sunday is coming to close and I did not have as many hours as I would have liked to play with it.· So, this project will have to wait until later this week, more likely next weekend.
In time I will post the ASM driver code so others can utilize this.
As a side note, I thought about making another add-on board for the uOLED-96-PROP.· I already made one·that extends the I/O, the next one I thought would be similar, but a little larger and would include buttons.· It could be a portable game platform.· Anyone interested?
Timothy D. Swieter·- check out the uOLED-IOC, an I/O expansion for the uOLED-96-PROP
One little spark of imagination is all it takes for an idea to explode
Timothy D. Swieter·- check out the uOLED-IOC, an I/O expansion for the uOLED-96-PROP
One little spark of imagination is all it takes for an idea to explode