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At first, sorry for my bad english, I hope you understand me.
I am an Basic Stamp noob but I can programming other Basic based devices.
I want that a signal comes in an Input, it's may be ( I can change this ) 100ms high, 100 ms low, 200ms high and so on.
The Stamp shout check that code and give an Output Pin an High.
But ther is not only one Signal, that can be different so 200ms high, 200ms low, 100ms high, 200ms low, 100ms high.
than the stamp should get high on another output pin.
The input Pin is always the same.
Another question, how high must be a high input ( Voltage )?
I hope you understand my questions.
thanks for help
At first, sorry for my bad english, I hope you understand me.
I am an Basic Stamp noob but I can programming other Basic based devices.
I want that a signal comes in an Input, it's may be ( I can change this ) 100ms high, 100 ms low, 200ms high and so on.
The Stamp shout check that code and give an Output Pin an High.
But ther is not only one Signal, that can be different so 200ms high, 200ms low, 100ms high, 200ms low, 100ms high.
than the stamp should get high on another output pin.
The input Pin is always the same.
Another question, how high must be a high input ( Voltage )?
I hope you understand my questions.
thanks for help
You will probably be able to read the signals without too much trouble. The PULSIN command should work.
If I understand you correctly, you want to distinguish between two different patterns. You will have to sample the pulse stream long enough to be certain that you have identified it correctly.
Are each of the pulse streams distinctive? For example, is the first one always 100ms,100ms,200ms? is the second one always 200ms,200ms,100ms? In these cases you may have to sample for several hundred MSec in order to be sure you can identify the pulse stream.
· The transistion point for an input is something in the area of 1.7 volts, I believe.
Can you tell us more about the system?
Tom Sisk
You have two buttons, with one you can change what you want to send ( 1 press = send code 1; press it once more send code 2 and so on ( max 7 different codes )). The other is to aktivate the sending.
I hope you understand, let me explain on an other way:
If you want to send signal 3 you have to press 3times on button 1 and than you had to activate that with button 2. If you want to send than code 7 you must press button 1 4 times.
At basic stamp 2 there is an IR receiver that decode the signal and if signal 1 comes pin 3 should get high, if signal 2 comes pin 3 should get high, and so on.
I hope you can help