12 Bit A/D converter
I'm trying to operate the 12 bit A/D converter that can be purchased via Parallax.· I have the program that is provided via the link and am wondering if it is possible to read only 1 of the two channels and use the result in an IF....THEN situatiion to signal an I/O pin to sound an alarm.· Also, if this is possible, I am wondering how this is so.··Attached is the program that is found on the link and what I've used.· Thank you very much as I greatly appreciate any help and have a great safe day!
I'm trying to operate the 12 bit A/D converter that can be purchased via Parallax.· I have the program that is provided via the link and am wondering if it is possible to read only 1 of the two channels and use the result in an IF....THEN situatiion to signal an I/O pin to sound an alarm.· Also, if this is possible, I am wondering how this is so.··Attached is the program that is found on the link and what I've used.· Thank you very much as I greatly appreciate any help and have a great safe day!
I am currently using the same ADC for a project.· You can select just ch0 or ch1 on your ADC.· Take the | statement out of your code that ORs config.· Then you can make the 3rd bit of config a constant for channel 0 or 1.· Hope that helps.
Can you post the link where you got that code from
Many Thanks if you could do this
··Thanks for any·
The code can be found on pages 7 & 8.
Thank you!
Thanks for the link to these pages
··Thanks for any·