Has my BS2 or my BoeBoard Died? Can't detect
There I was - coaxing a variant of the Connect.bs2 to work a bit better with my BoeBoard with an EB500 embedded bluetooth - unplugged to fit a Potentiometer to get some simulated data to send back - when apparently bang - I can no longer detect my Stamp. Fortunately I have an old GPS unit with a serial cable so I was able to verify that Hyperlink and my USB-Serial converter are still Ok. The program in the stamp still responds to the extent of showing the EB500 light go on or off when I call or disconnect the Hyperlink on the bluettoth comms port, though no data is showing up. How can I diagnose or fix the problem, please?
1) Check your power supply
2) Check your programming connections. You should be able to reprogram the Stamp using the Stamp Editor. Once you can reprogram it, you can download simple test programs to check the I/O pins' function using an LED with a current limiting resistor, just with a couple of lines that blinks the LED continuously ... and edit and redownload the program changing the pin number each time. Then, do the same sort of thing with a switch, checking that each pin can detect a high or low logic level.
3) At this point, you either have a good Stamp or you don't and you have some idea of what doesn't work if so. Then you can use some of the EB500 test programs and use DEBUG to monitor its responses.