newbie DEBUGIN question
I'm getting the feeling I'm over looking the obvious... but after several days of searching old post in the forums and reading PDF's I'm still stuck... on something that I know is super simple compared to what I see the rest of you guys/gals are discussing.·· Someone please point me in the right direction or throw me a bone.·· I would like to have the debug window ask me for input and let me respond "Yes" or "No"····I have found formatters and specialformatters·for·DEBUGIN·in the bsmv2.2 pdf..... but I'm not finding/understanding how to input a string·of characters that doesn't·contain·A,B,C,D,E or·F.
···· Answer VAR word
··· DEBUG "Enter Yes or No "
··· DEBUGIN ????·· <---- what do I need to put here?
··· If Answer="yes" then
······ GOSUB wiget_routine
··· ELSEIF Answer="no" then
······ GOSUB anti_wiget_routine
Should I be using····STR, HEX, NUM, WAIT or someother formatter?
What I've been doing for the past few days until I figure this out is similar to this:
··· Answer VAR nib
··· DEBUG "Yes=1 and No=0 ", CR
··· Debugin dec Answer
··· If Answer=1 then
······ GOSUB wiget_routine
··· ELSEIF Answer=0 then
······ GOSUB anti_wiget_routine
Thanks in advance,
Post Edited (SCFalconry) : 3/6/2008 5:41:35 AM GMT
···· Answer VAR word
··· DEBUG "Enter Yes or No "
··· DEBUGIN ????·· <---- what do I need to put here?
··· If Answer="yes" then
······ GOSUB wiget_routine
··· ELSEIF Answer="no" then
······ GOSUB anti_wiget_routine
Should I be using····STR, HEX, NUM, WAIT or someother formatter?
What I've been doing for the past few days until I figure this out is similar to this:
··· Answer VAR nib
··· DEBUG "Yes=1 and No=0 ", CR
··· Debugin dec Answer
··· If Answer=1 then
······ GOSUB wiget_routine
··· ELSEIF Answer=0 then
······ GOSUB anti_wiget_routine
Thanks in advance,
Post Edited (SCFalconry) : 3/6/2008 5:41:35 AM GMT
Post Edited (Mike Green) : 3/6/2008 5:48:03 AM GMT
Thanks for the bone.
Can't wait to try it.... Don't have access to the homeworkboard until tomorrow.
Thanks again,