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Compass Instability Solution — Parallax Forums

Compass Instability Solution

prash1784prash1784 Posts: 2
edited 2008-03-07 02:41 in Robotics

Is there a way to stabilize the compass readings?

I am working on a project that involves multiple robots and I need to derive their locations and also their orientations. The problem is that the compass readings are fluctuating a lot and also not all compasses on different robots give the same readings.

Is there a way to synchronize and stabilize the compass readings?



  • Bruce BatesBruce Bates Posts: 3,045
    edited 2008-03-05 22:45
    Prashant -

    About the only way I can think to do something like that would be to have a compass standard, similar to a time standard. The only way I can think of to find such a compass standard might be to derive it from a GPS position. I suspect that might be cost prohibitive, since you're USING compasses rather than GPS to begin with.


    Bruce Bates

    Programming can't be all that difficult, it's nothing but 1's and 0's
  • prash1784prash1784 Posts: 2
    edited 2008-03-05 23:00
    Hi Bruce,

    Thanks for the reply.

    Is there any previous work that you can direct me to, as I still do not have enough idea about what has to be done.

  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-03-05 23:30
    Some suggestions:
    1) Use a known good compass or other geophysical standard (like GPS) to draw a large compass circle, then calibrate each of the robot compasses against that with a table of corrections for each direction or portions of the circle.

    2) Average a bunch of readings on each robot. Do a statistical analysis of a series of readings to see how much they vary, over what timeframe, etc. That may tell you how many readings you'll need to average to get a direction that's useful.

    3) Make sure to get your compass readings with the motors turned off. You'll still have the fixed magnetic fields of the motors distorting the readings, but at least they won't be fluctuating.
  • labheshrlabheshr Posts: 10
    edited 2008-03-07 02:03
    Hi Mike:

    I am using HM 55B compass. The providers of this compass have given some code to get the x, y readings using the compass along an interference minimizing code.

    Unfortunately; this code doesn't help calculate angles when the robot is moving. Have you worked or come across this situation?

    The code is pasted below.


    ' ============================================================================
    ' TestCalibratedHM55BCompass.bs2 - Demonstrates Hitachi HM55B Compass Module's
    ' accuracy after calibration with CalibrateHM55BCompass.bs2.
    ' IMPORTANT: This program only works after calibration with CalibrateHM55B-
    ' Compass.bs2. For instructions on how to use these two programs
    ' look for the download entitled Calibrating the Compass Module on
    ' the Hitachi HM55B Compass Module product page at
    ' Author.... (C) 2005 Parallax, Inc -- All Rights Reserved
    ' Email.....
    ' {$STAMP BS2}
    ' {$PBASIC 2.5}
    ' ============================================================================

    [noparse][[/noparse] EEPROM Data ]

    CompassOffsets DATA @ 0, (4) ' Stores x and y axis offsets
    CompassLowVal DATA (1) ' Stores index of lowest angle
    CompassCal DATA (16) ' 16 reference compass angles

    [noparse][[/noparse] Pin Definitionis ]

    DinDout PIN 7 ' P6 tranceives to/from Din/Dout
    Clk PIN 6 ' P5 sends pulses to HM55B's Clk
    En PIN 5 ' P4 controls HM55B's /EN(ABLE)

    [noparse][[/noparse] Constants ]

    Reset CON %0000 ' Reset command for HM55B
    Measure CON %1000 ' Start measurement command
    Report CON %1100 ' Get status/axis values command
    Ready CON %1100 ' 11 -> Done, 00 -> no errors
    NegMask CON %1111100000000000 ' For 11-bit negative to 16-bits
    current CON 0 ' Table array index
    previous CON 1 ' Table array index

    [noparse][[/noparse] Variables ]
    x VAR Word ' y-axis data
    y VAR Word ' x-axis data
    status VAR Nib ' Status flags
    angle VAR Word ' Angle measurement
    axisOffset VAR angle ' Axis offset

    index VAR Status ' EEPROM index
    table VAR Byte(2) ' Stores EEPROM table values
    span VAR x ' Span between table entries
    angleOffset VAR y ' Offset btwn measured and table

    [noparse][[/noparse] Main Routine ]


    DO ' Main loop

    GOSUB Get_Compass_Axes ' Get x, and y values
    GOSUB Compass_Correct_Offsets ' Correct axis offsetes
    angle = x ATN -y ' Convert x and y to brads
    ' DEBUG HOME, "x-axis N(-S) = ",SDEC x, ' Display corrected axes
    ' CLREOL, CR, "y-axis W(-E) = ",
    ' SDEC y, CLREOL
    GOSUB Compass_Interpolate ' Linear interpolation
    ' DEBUG CR, CR, "angle = ", ' Display inrerpolated angle
    ' DEC angle, " brads", CLREOL ' ... in brads
    angle = angle */ 360 ' Convert brads to degrees
    DEBUG HOME,DEC3 angle ' Display inrerpolated angle
    ' DEC angle, " degrees", CLREOL ' ... in degrees
    PAUSE 150 ' Debug delay for slower PCs

    LOOP ' Repeat main loop

    [noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine - Get_Compass_Axes ]

    ' This subroutine handles BASIC STamp - HM55B communicaton and stores the
    ' magnetic field strenth measurements returned by the device in the x and
    ' y axis variables.

    Get_Compass_Axes: ' Compass subroutine

    HIGH En: LOW En ' Disable/enable module
    SHIFTOUT DinDout,clk,MSBFIRST,[noparse][[/noparse]Reset\4] ' Send reset command
    HIGH En: LOW En ' Disable/enable module
    SHIFTOUT DinDout,clk,MSBFIRST,[noparse][[/noparse]Measure\4] ' Start measurement
    status = 0 ' Clear previous status flags
    DO ' Status flag checking loop
    HIGH En: LOW En ' Disable/enable sensor
    SHIFTOUT DinDout,clk,MSBFIRST,[noparse][[/noparse]Report\4] ' Request status
    SHIFTIN DinDout,clk,MSBPOST,[noparse][[/noparse]Status\4] ' Get Status
    LOOP UNTIL status = Ready ' Exit loop when status is ready
    SHIFTIN DinDout,clk,MSBPOST,[noparse][[/noparse]x\11,y\11] ' Get x & y axis values
    HIGH En ' Disable module

    IF (y.BIT10 = 1) THEN y = y | NegMask ' Store 11-bits as signed word
    IF (x.BIT10 = 1) THEN x = x | NegMask ' Repeat for other axis


    [noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine - Compass_Correct_Offsets ]

    ' This subroutine corrects cumulative magnetic field interferance that can
    ' come from sources such as the PCB, jumper wires, a nearby batter, or a
    ' nearby current source. This subroutine relies on values stored in
    ' the EEPROM space that was reserved by the CompassOffsets DATA directive.
    ' These EEPROM values were writen by CalibrateHM55BCompass.bs2.


    READ CompassOffsets, Word axisOffset ' Get x-axis offset
    x = x - axisOffset ' Correct x-axis
    READ CompassOffsets + 2, Word axisOffset ' Get y-axis offset
    y = y - axisOffset ' Correct y-axis


    [noparse][[/noparse] Subroutine - Compass_Interpolate ]

    ' This subroutine applies linear interpolation to the refine the compass
    ' measurement. This second level of refinement can be performed after the
    ' Compass_Correct_Offsets subroutine, and it can correct axis skew and other
    ' errors inherent to the HM55B chip.
    ' The subroutine relies On sixteen actual compass measurements that were stored
    ' in the sixteen EEPROM locations reserved by the CompassCal DATA directive.
    ' These measurements were stored by CalibrateHM55BCompass.bs2, and they
    ' represent the actual compass measurements for 0, 22.5, 45, 90,..., 337.5
    ' degrees. The subroutine finds the two EEPROM measurements that the current
    ' angle measurement falls between. It then updates the angle measurement
    ' based on where the angle measurement falls between the two known table values.


    ' Start with the lowest value in the CompassCal table.

    READ CompassLowVal, index

    ' Load current and previous table values.

    READ CompassCal + index, table(current)
    READ (CompassCal + (index - 1 & $F)), table(previous)

    ' The IF...ELSEIF...ELSE...ENDIF code block finds the two EEPROM CompassCal
    ' table values that the current angle measurement falls between and calculates
    ' the difference between the current angle measurement and the lower of the
    ' two table values. The IF and ELSEIF blocks deal with values that are
    ' greater than the highest or less than the lowest table values. The ELSE
    ' block everything between the highest and lowest table values.

    IF (angle >= table(previous)) THEN
    span = (255 - table(previous)) + table(current)
    angleOffset = angle - table(previous)
    ELSEIF (angle <= table(current)) THEN
    span = table(current) + (255 - table(previous))
    angleOffset = angle + (255 - table(previous))
    index = index - 1
    READ CompassCal + index, table(current)
    table(previous) = table(current)
    index = index + 1
    READ CompassCal + index, table(current)
    IF (angle <= table(current)) AND (angle > table(previous)) THEN
    span = table(current) - table(previous)
    angleOffset = angle - table(previous)

    ' After the offset between the current angle measurement and the next lower
    ' table measurement has been determined, this code block uses it along with
    ' the span between the table entries above and below the angle measurement
    ' to solve for: angle(corrected) = angle(offset) * 16 / span.
    ' This code block also rounds up or down by comparing the remainder of
    ' the angleOffset / span division to the value of (span / 2).

    angleOffset = angleOffset * 16
    angle = (angleOffset / span) + ((angleOffset // span) / (span / 2))
    angle = ((index - 1 & $F) * 16) + angle
    angle = angle & $ff

  • Mike GreenMike Green Posts: 23,101
    edited 2008-03-07 02:41
    There's no magic solution.· It's harder to calibrate the compass on a moving platform and it's harder to compensate for the movement.· It's also harder because you have time-varying magnetic fields from the motors.· You could try placing the compass on a non-magnetic rod perhaps a foot or so in length to move the compass away from the motors.· You also might modify this program to estimate the position of the robot with movement and try calibrating the compass in the presence of the movement.· You could also try stopping any movement for the short time it takes to make a measurement.
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