Infrared, Need sugestions
Ive been intereasted with Infread ever since ive gotten my Boe-bot, anyway, ive been researching Infrared remotes and how they work. I now that the IR LED blinks very fast at 38.5 KHz, I was also thinking·if the Stamp could record the IR pulses with the IR receiver. Im not sure how this would work just give me some sugestions.
Joshua Peters
Age: 14
Joshua Peters
Age: 14
The Stamp is not fast enough to record the actual 38.5KHz IR pulses. The IR detector that the BoeBot uses has its own 38.5KHz detector. It signals the presence of groups of IR pulses at a 38.5KHz rate, not the individual IR pulses themselves. Have a look at the diagrams in the tutorial.
You could certainly take an SX microcontroller and write a program that could record the IR pulses received say with an IR phototransistor which could detect the individual IR pulses. It couldn't record much of them because these microcontrollers don't have much memory for data and would need external memory added.