A circut that may be handy, need sugestions.
Ive just purchesed a LCD termanal from parallax, the one with the pushbuttons. I was sitting around one day after my Mom and Dad changed the password on My new Alienware ALX, I thought about makeing the·BS.2 record characters type only in passsword fields. It would beturned on when the computer is powered up automaticly, When a password field is incountered It would record all Characters, and would disply them in the LCD screen when acessed. I no this sounds almost impossible, but I think·it could work, im not sure how you could have it record throught password fields, im thinking you might need to·write a program for the computer itself, so when a password field is incountered it will send info·to the stamp. I realy want to go to the·"Grand Idea Studieo" and learn how to hack computers useing othe hardware and stuff.
Joshua Peters
Age: 14!·
Joshua Peters
Age: 14!·