Boebot IR sensors and PING
Hello.· I recently got a PING sensor for my Boebot.· I want to use IR with it also, but the PING sensor gets in the way of the IR because the breadboard is so close physically to the PING.· I came across this video on youtube and it looks like this guy has the IR on some type of mount extended away from the Boebot chassis.
Anyone have any ideas what I need to get a setup similar to this?· I would prefer to move the IR sensors away from the breadboard if possible.
Anyone have any ideas what I need to get a setup similar to this?· I would prefer to move the IR sensors away from the breadboard if possible.
It looks like they took the normal aluminum PING bracket and copied it in plastic, then mounted the PING backwards and probably used heat to soften and bend the plastic. You could easily do something similar just using the PING servo bracket and bending it outward slightly.
The IR sensors look like they're mounted on little perforated boards. I'm sure you could find little right angle brackets at a hardware store and mount them to the standoff posts on the BoeBot chassis and they would hold the boards. Browse your local hardware store. They have all sorts of little bits of hardware. My local store has just started carrying small sheets of metal (aluminum, brass, and copper) and small lengths of tubing in various diameters in the same metals ... easy to make something like the PING bracket you saw ... with a pair of tin snips or a fine toothed jigsaw or hacksaw blade and a vise.