Mini Prop
I'm calling this a Mini Prop, I have been following OBC and others, hacking a mini DVD player for use with a cut down Propeller board.
At this time I have no PIc's to allow others to see my project, but so far I have a working: Keyboard(PDA Keyboard) Digital Thermometer, and an NES Game Controller.
I'm hoping I can get a good Digital Camera to take Pic's to share. All if not most of this project was from the People in this forum
and the Propeller Cook Book.
Many Thanks Too: The Forum, Baggers, Hippi,(can't remember the others) and My Mentor OldBitCollector.

At this time I have no PIc's to allow others to see my project, but so far I have a working: Keyboard(PDA Keyboard) Digital Thermometer, and an NES Game Controller.
I'm hoping I can get a good Digital Camera to take Pic's to share. All if not most of this project was from the People in this forum
and the Propeller Cook Book.
Many Thanks Too: The Forum, Baggers, Hippi,(can't remember the others) and My Mentor OldBitCollector.

The Mini Prop Started out as a mini DVD player, Here you might be able to see it taking a temp. reading.
I hope the Picture of my Mini Prop in action is viewable.
Post Edited (TheWizard65) : 3/4/2008 2:56:13 AM GMT