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7 segment display problems

Dr. VetterDr. Vetter Posts: 34
edited 2008-03-03 18:10 in Learn with BlocklyProp
hi my name is craig and i bought a kit to learn Pbasic code it came with a BS2 IC

in the book that comes with it there is a 7 segment display activity driving the 7 segment display to run from 0 - 9
Ok I have typed the code from the learning book EXACTLY AND SEVERAL times.
When I run the program it will just flash the first instruction infinitely but when I shorten the code to only 1-3 out puts on at a time it will work fine.
I’m confused if I'm doing something wrong or is my program IC bad.
Here is the code from the book
‘{PBASIC 2.5}
DEBUG “Program running.”
OUTH = %00000000
DIRH = %11111111
·············· BAFG.CDE
OUTH = %11100111
PAUSE 1000
OUTH = % 10000100
PAUSE 1000
OUTH = %11010011
PAUSE 1000
DITH = % 00000000
Here is the code that I can get to work but only 3 outputs at a time
‘{PBASIC 2.5}
DEBUG “Program running.”
OUTH = %00000000
DIRH = %11111111
·············· BAFG.CDE
OUTH = %11100000
PAUSE 1000
OUTH = % 11000100
PAUSE 1000
OUTH = %11010000
PAUSE 1000
DITH = % 00000000
The circuit is set up so I have a 1K ohm resistor in series with one input to seven segment and vss is my ground
Any input would be greatly appreciated
Thank you


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