Sensirion SHT11 experiments
Posts: 3
I am experimenting with the SHT11 and am wondering if anyone has done any experiments to validate the sensor's accuracy and reliability in regards to data. Also what other have found about its reaction time to sudden temperature changes.·
I have·sealed the sensor in a jar and am currently doing experiments by heating or cooling it to see what type of accuracy and reaction time I get.· I have a thermometer in the jar with the sensor.·· I am using the program from the Sensirion pdf manual.· My objective is to see if I can use this sensor as a leak detection device for an ROV.·
1) I have found with this particular sensor that·temperature is off by about 1.5 C from the thermometer.· Manual specs say 0.5 C but Parallax website says, at room temp, 1 C.·
2) I have found that at ambient temperature in my house, when starting the sensor, it takes about 10 minutes·for·the temperature to stabilize.·
3) The RH reading does not follow the temperature changes sometimes.· I placed it in the freezer; sometimes as the temp goes down the RH is still going up and takes a few minutes for it to "correct".
4) I have also had the temp reading steady and the RH, in an instant, jumps up or down for no reason.
I would like to hear from anyone that had used this sensor about their experiences.
I have·sealed the sensor in a jar and am currently doing experiments by heating or cooling it to see what type of accuracy and reaction time I get.· I have a thermometer in the jar with the sensor.·· I am using the program from the Sensirion pdf manual.· My objective is to see if I can use this sensor as a leak detection device for an ROV.·
1) I have found with this particular sensor that·temperature is off by about 1.5 C from the thermometer.· Manual specs say 0.5 C but Parallax website says, at room temp, 1 C.·
2) I have found that at ambient temperature in my house, when starting the sensor, it takes about 10 minutes·for·the temperature to stabilize.·
3) The RH reading does not follow the temperature changes sometimes.· I placed it in the freezer; sometimes as the temp goes down the RH is still going up and takes a few minutes for it to "correct".
4) I have also had the temp reading steady and the RH, in an instant, jumps up or down for no reason.
I would like to hear from anyone that had used this sensor about their experiences.
Cold air can't hold as much moisture as warm air. Therefore, as you cool the air (with initially the same amount of moisture) the amount of moisture the cooler air can hold drops, thus raising the "Relative" humidity being measured.
I would guess the opposite would be true as well. If you fill the jar with cold air, then let it return to room temperature, the RH should go down.
Now, the RH jumping, that I don't have an answer for -- I don't know how it's being measured.
I'm not sure what is going on with the humidity. I can say I've found it to be pretty stable, and when it shifts I can usually trace it to an external cause. There is indeed a time lag in response between the temperature and the humidity, so when either is changing rapidly the results and dewpoint calculation can be off until it re-equilibrates.
Tracy Allen
I've had the duct mounted sensor in a different swimming pool's return air system for about two years now and its still bang on accurate. This is in one of the worst environments for humidity sensors -· very wet and highly corrosive. The old style horse-hair sensors typically last less than a year which is why I decided to try the SHT. Hell, at one one year old we had dampers corroding so badly they would seize up and Honeywell actuators burning out, despite nearly constant cleaning and greasing (wrong unit for the job).
The accuracy is pretty good, typically withing 1 degree F but even better is that the error is linear. If you're 1F out at 32F you'll still be about 1F out at 120F. So all I do is bag them up and use an ice-water mix bath then adjust the reading in software to 32F/0C.
About the only warning I have is that it is probably a good idea to put a resistor on the data pin. I'm not absolutely sure about this but I had problems with my circuit resetting itself for no apparent reason when I first breadboarded the project. I surmised that the switching from input to output on the UC pin was sometimes resulting in my UC being output high while the SHT was output low - no resistance and it dropped the voltage down to where the uC reset. I put a 120 ohm resistor in there and the problem went away. Again, I never verified this - but it seemed a low risk fix and appears to work.
I'm just saying that I'm inclined to look for thermodynamic reasons first. Nonetheless, it is true that the humidity measurement of the SHT11 deteriorates rapidly as the temperature drops below 10 Celsius as can be seen in the graphs in the data sheet for humidity and dew point accuracy.
Tracy Allen
Are the symptoms repeatable? Do they happen under the same conditions eacd time? Have you tried mtg the sensor so that it faces downward in the jar?
Additionally I have now two experiments that show the same behavior with first warming and then letting the jar cool off at room temp.
Start 15.5 43.1
Selected temp data point - warming 29.6 32.8
Selected temp data point - cooling 29.6 39.7
As you can see the RH on warming phase at 29.6 C is 32.8 % but on the cooling phase at 29.6 C the RH is 39.7 %!!!! At one point, after cooling the jar, the RH actually exceeds the original RH, which since it is in a closed system, is not possible. After exceeding the original RH, and the slope of the temp and RH start to decrease, the RH shifts down a few % of RH and then decreases from that point as the temp DECREASES, which is not correct. Dew point @ 15.5 C is 3 C so I am no where near that and do not see any condensation. On the cooling phase, after the RH dropped, I let it run for another hour while returning to room temp; I stopped it at 18 C. From the RH drop to when I ended the experiment, the RH dropped as the temp dropped. I am starting to have real reservations about the practical dependability of this sensor. It seems that rapid temp fluctuations are no problem for the temp sensor but the something happened to the RH.