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java application — Parallax Forums

java application

andrei_randrei_r Posts: 2
edited 2008-02-29 03:52 in BASIC Stamp
I bought the boebot robot and also the cmucam1 camera. I want to create an software application in Java that commands the robot where to go, and also to see on the computer screen the images from the robot. The communication with the computer will be radio and I have no idea how I will do this because the boebot can not support interrupts, the boeboe will have other tasks also not just sending pictures to the computer(for example he will move in the same time). Another problem is that the communication will be with the basic stamp not with the camera, so the data that comes and goes to the camera must pass trough BS2. Is possible to do this project? thanks



  • FranklinFranklin Posts: 4,747
    edited 2008-02-29 03:52
    It's not good forum practice to post in more than one forum. If no one has posted in your other post you can delete it by clicking the red X in the upper right of your post.

    - Stephen
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