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H-Bridge delivering half voltage, what's up? — Parallax Forums

H-Bridge delivering half voltage, what's up?

BlakeBlake Posts: 74
edited 2008-02-27 03:00 in BASIC Stamp
I have created an H-Bridge using four darlington (TIP120) transistors to power a motor. The bases of the four pins are connected to a BS2. The transistors, when activated in pairs, supply 12V to the motor, either in a forward or reverse direction. The problem is that they only seem to be supplying right around 5 Volts. I have checked the collector emitter of each transistor and it indeed registers 12V.

Why would the motor only be supplied with around 5 Volts?



  • allanlane5allanlane5 Posts: 3,815
    edited 2008-02-26 19:54
    You COULD be in the "linear" region of the TIP120's, in which case you need less resistance in the 'base' leads.

    You COULD be measuring the voltage incorrectly -- an H-Bridge needs to be measured across the motor, not from one lead to ground. Though that shouldn't matter.

    You COULD be controlling the H-Bridge incorrectly.

    You COULD be using too small (too little current available) in your 12-volt supply, and the motor current is pulling down the voltage.
  • BlakeBlake Posts: 74
    edited 2008-02-27 00:26
    This is what I have. With 24V switching power supply I get 4.7V delivered to the motor.

    763 x 833 - 129K
  • BlakeBlake Posts: 74
    edited 2008-02-27 00:30
    by the way this is my code:

    LOW 4
    LOW 11
    HIGH 4
    PAUSE 5000
    LOW 4
    PAUSE 5000
    HIGH 11
    PAUSE 5000
    LOW 11
    PAUSE 5000
    GOTO main
  • Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi)Phil Pilgrim (PhiPi) Posts: 23,514
    edited 2008-02-27 03:00
    Your upper transistors, being NPN are operating as emitter followers. You'll never get a higher voltage on the emitters than you've applied to the bases. To remedy this, you must either use PNPs for the upper transistors or provide a base voltage to the NPNs that's at least your desired drive voltage, plus 1.2V (for Darlingtons).

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