Interactive-C on the Prop?
Posts: 2,307
Has anyone here looked into possibly supporting Interactive-C on the Propeller chip? It has already been ported to a few other platforms and would be a nice thing to see on the Propeller. Seems like the built-in commands to start another process might work for starting one in a separate cog. I've used IC with a couple projects and it's pretty nice. Looks like it might be a good fit for the Propeller. In case you want a little more detail on IC just checkout the link below:
Any thoughts?
Any thoughts?
The ideal situation for anyone writing a VM or bytecode / P-Code interpreter is to have a ready built compiler which runs under MS-DOS/Windows and generates a bytecode image in an output file plus a comprehensive document describing the bytecode itself. Otherwise there's a lot of work which needs to be done beyond simply writing the VM.
LCC is well documented in the book "A Retargetable C Compiler: Design and Implementation" ( by Hanson and Fraser ) and elsewhere. That can generate bytecode ( unfortunately not optimised ) and is a far better candidate for a VM creation. By modifying the compiler source it would be possible to create a compiler to native Propeller Cog instructions.
I found a compiler executable which can generate bytecode and was looking into converting the textual bytecode output into a format which could be loaded into a Spin/PASM program, and writing a VM for that. Unfortunately other things keep getting in the way of that.