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GUI for Command and Control System with BS2 and Boebots — Parallax Forums

GUI for Command and Control System with BS2 and Boebots

varmavarunvarmavarun Posts: 6
edited 2008-03-04 08:38 in Robotics
Hey all,

This is the task I'm working on, and I was looking for a few directions.

TASK: Creating a C2S system using Boe Bots and a computer to be able to remotely control the actions of all the bots. The various components of this system are:
1. An Automated Beacon System (ABS) using four BoeBots that are used to detect a target using IR sensors, and send the coordinates of the "intruder" back to the computer. These four bots remain pretty much stationary.
2. Two other bots that receive the coordinates and autonomously navigate to the coordiantes to "intercept" the target.
3. I should be able to override the automation and manually control either or both of these two bots.

So as of now, I've worked out the PBASIC porgrams for the bots, and they are mostly able to complete their tasks individually.

I'm basically having trouble with the GUI, cos I dunno which direction to proceed in.
1. The bots are usinf RF to communicate with the·computer (and I can give commands via PBASIC). So I'm thinking I should use VB or C++ for some serial port programming. (I've actually never programmed in anthing other than PBASIC or C, so I'm a little lost here)
2. The other alternative is to switch to bluetooth and use MSRS (again, I've never used this before).

What would be a better direction to move in? The GUI needs to be real basic, and needs to just be able to do stuff I would normally do via PBASIC I guess.


  • varmavarunvarmavarun Posts: 6
    edited 2008-02-27 07:07
    ok i've started using visual basic express. it seems like it should do the trick; i basically needed to send stuff to a stamp connected to my computer, which in turn send stuff to other stamps that via RF. will post here again when i run into a wall...
  • varmavarunvarmavarun Posts: 6
    edited 2008-03-04 08:38
    For now, what I basically want it to do is this:

    1. Send a byte to the basic stamp connected to my computer via serial port. (I can do this).

    2. Make this basic stamp perform an operation eg, pulsout on a servo motor (this is also alright)

    3. Have this basic stamp send a byte to another basic stamp via RF (using serout); and have the receiving boe bot do something, and then send a byte back (lets say x)

    4. Have this new byte x displayed in the GUI.

    I'm having trouble with steps 3 and 4. The code should be rather simple, but for some reason I can't get it to work. I know its possible because it actually worked once before.. but it isnt anymore (i lost my code).

    Parts of code: (for BS2 connected to my comp-- transmitter):

    PULSOUT 11, 1200 'Sync pulse for the receiver ( I can verify that this happens, the bot moves)
    SEROUT 11, 16468, [noparse][[/noparse]"!" ]
    PULSOUT 12, 850

    For the other BS2, relevant part

    PULSOUT 13, 850
    LOW 0
    SERIN 6, 16468, [noparse][[/noparse]WAIT("!")]
    HIGH 0
    PULSOUT 12, 850

    What could the issue be? Is it just a little snag in something like baudrates? And lastly, once this gets sorted out, is it possible to remote control a robot over RF via this BS2 plugged into my computer?
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