Piezo frequencies
I'm trying to find out what the frequencies are for a couple of chords that I play on the guitar. In the "What's a Microcontroller" book·they give the frequencies for c6,c6# - c8 range, but I'm looking for the frequencies for Em7and Cmaj7. These chords are not the same as E7 and C7. Does anyone know where I can find the frequencies for these chords? Or where a good reference might be located on the web? I did a google search and I found a couple of references, but they did not show the frequencies for the chords I'm looking for.
Here's a link from the Wikipedia for the diminished 7th chord: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Half-diminished_seventh_chord
and here for the major 7th: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seventh_chord
Use any frequency chart for the notes including the half tones and you can lay out the frequencies needed starting at the E or C (see en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Major_seventh_chord)
For Cmaj7, you need C, E, G, B